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my workstation configuration

Step by step configuration

Configure basic Mac settings. Refer to Mac Configuration

Using Safari, download and install Google Chrome, sign in and set as default.

Use default Terminal app to run the following commands.

Install homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install git:

brew install git

Generate a new SSH Key for the device:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

Add the new ssh key to Github account, copy the key using:

pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

Create code/ and clone dot files repo:

mkdir code
cd code/
git clone

Install packages and mac apps using Brewfile:

brew bundle

Switch to iterm, and import iterm profile. Refer to Configure Amethyst

Symlink dot files:

ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/vimrc  ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/emacs.el  ~/.emacs.el
ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/config ~/.config
ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/hushlogin ~/.hushlogin

Set fish as the default shell:

echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s `which fish`

Start amethyst and configure. Refer to Configure Amethyst

Install Irvue from Mac App Store.

Mac Configuration

  • Turn on 'Dock Hiding'
  • Turn on 'Menu Bar Hiding'
  • Enable 'Mouse right click'
  • Enable 'Mouse Swipe between pages'
  • Turn on 'Night Shift', bit warmer than default
  • Increase 'mouse tracking speed', 5th level from the right
  • Configure 'Menu Bar'
    • hide keyboard
    • show date
    • show sound icon

Configure Amethyst

  • Enable 'Start Amethyst on login'
  • Set 'Window margin' 15px
  • Layouts: Tall, Tall Right and Full Screen
  • Enable 'Swap windows using mouse'
  • Enable 'Resize windows using mouse'

Configure iTerm

tic -x ~/code/dotfiles/misc/xterm-256color.terminfo
tic -x ~/code/dotfiles/misc/tmux-256color.terminfo

Mac apps

These Mac apps will be installed using brew with the previous command.


These fonts are used in vim, emacs, and iTerm2. Fonts can be installed using Brewfile

  • Inconsolata
    • 16pt, Light, 110, 135
  • JetBrains Mono
    • 14pt, ExtraLight, 110, 130
  • Roboto Mono
    • 14pt, Light, 110% vertical, 130% horizontal spacing
  • SF Mono
    • 12pt, 130% horizontal spacing
  • Fira Code
  • Source Code Pro
  • Office Code Pro
    • 12pt, 125% vertical spacing