Assuming you have Ruby 2.2.4 installed.... To install the required gem list run the following command in your terminal.
You may run into issues installing the nokogiri gem, in that case nokogiri has a troubleshooting guide available on their website.
bundle install
If you do not have Ruby 2.2.4 installed, make sure to go into the Gemfile and remove or comment out the line that says ruby '2.2.4'.
# comment out if you do not have the same ruby version, I was using 2.2.4 on my computer.
ruby '2.2.4'
Set the desired group name of your group you would like to scrape, if the group has spaces in the name you will want to copy how its listed in the groups URL
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
require 'open-uri'
require 'csv'
require 'fileutils'
Bundler.require :default
GROUP_NAME = 'Desired-Group-Name'
cd to the scrape folder root and run the scraper by typing the following in your terminal
rake scrape_meetup_users
terminal will output progress
$ rake scrape_meetup_users
querying member 1
adding to tmp/twitter.csv
querying member 2
querying member 3
querying member 4
querying member 5
querying member 6
querying member 7
querying member 8
querying member 9
contents will be output to the ./tmp folder