A simple discord chat bot with an easy to use configuration. Written using discord.js
reads text from:
- text
- urls
- images
using regex you can easily determine the best matches and respond accordingly
Example using url
Example response config
responses : [
key : /^(?=.*hello)(?=.*world).*$/mgi, //match any string that includes both the words: hello and world
content : `Hello World!` //respond with Hello World!
Node version ^16
Rename the config.example.js to config.js
configure the options to your needs and add as many responses as you like ;)
install packages npm install
start the bot npm start
Are you enjoying the smart-support-bot? Feeling generous? Well, help me purchase pizza to continue working on the bot an without empty stomach!
Your donations go a long way in helping me develop this bot, but please don't feel obligated to.
Ko-fi link: https://ko-fi.com/avmg20 Please notify me when you've donated so I can respond quicker :) AVMG#1234