An implementation for MongoDB.Driver (>= v2.0.0) with ASP.NET 5 Identity (>= v3) framework at
AspNet.Identity3.MongoDB follows the EntityFramework naming defaults where possible, but they can be overridden when instantiating the RoleStore and UserStore.
The default Mongo details are:
- Database Name: AspNetIdentity
- Role Collection Name: AspNetRoles
- User Collection Name: AspNetUsers
- Mongo Collection Settings: WriteConcern.WMajority
RoleStore.Roles and UserStore.Users are functions to return a IQueryable of roles/users. However MongoDb have not yet implemented any AsQueryable functionality in MongoDB.Driver yet.
At the moment I have implemented the IQueryable from a ToList() the role/user collections. This will not perform well.
I highly recommend you don't use Queryable functions unless you are very, very sure it will always be a small collection.
I'm keeping an eye on and will update the implementation when possible.