OlaMapService is your go-to solution for essential map functionality, providing a seamless and intuitive experience for integrating maps into your applications. Whether you need to display interactive maps, plot locations, or offer basic navigation, OlaMapService has you covered. Our robust library includes features like zoom controls, location markers, and customizable map views, making it easy to add powerful mapping capabilities to your project. Designed for simplicity and efficiency, OlaMapService ensures that you can quickly implement and manage maps without the hassle. Enhance your app with the fundamental power of maps using OlaMapService.
pod 'OlaMapCore', :git => 'https://github.com/ola-map/ios-ola-map-core.git'
Or, You download the XCFrameworks.zip
files from the last stable release
Unzip the file and drop in your app, make sure you have made Enmbed and Sign
for all the Framework Files in General > Frameworks
Or, You can use Swift Package Manager to install OlaMapCore
using OlaMapCore
- Dynamic Maps
- Annotation
- Info Window
- Controls and gestures
- Shapes and Geometry
- Camera and POV
Make sure you have added the following persmission in your app,
<string>App wants to access your location</string>
<string>App wants to access your location</string>
private let olaMap = OlaMapService(auth: .apiKey(key: "API-KEY"), tileURL: "TILE-URL", projectId: "WORKSPACE-ID")
olaMap.loadMap(onView: self.view)
olaMap.delegate = self
This will enable selection capability on Map,
Then, You will set of extra gesture delegete callback which comes with OlaMapServiceDelegate
func didTapOnMap(_ coordinate: OlaCoordinate) {
//TODO: If You tap on tile
func didTapOnMap(feature: POIModel) {
//TODO: If You tap on any POI
func didLongTapOnMap(_ coordinate: OlaCoordinate) {
//TODO: If You long press on tile
You can draw a Info Window which is a tool tip kind of view on Map,
let toolTipId = "tool-tip"
let infoWindow = InfoAnnotationView(identifier: toolTipId, model: InfoAnnotationDecorator(), text: "I'm at OlaCampus", isActive: true)
self.olaMap.setAnnotationMarker(at: self.olaCampus, annotationView: infoWindow, identifier: toolTipId)
And, to delete Info Window you can use
You can control the Map POV and bound area which you want to show.
// Set Camera With Single Coordinate
olaMap.setCamera(at: OlaCoordinate(latitude: 12.93177, longitude: 77.616370000000003), zoomLevel: 16.0)
// Set Camera With Array of Coordinates
//olaMap.setMapCamera(OlaToKormanglaCoordinates, UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 8, bottom: 8, right: 8))
You can control the Map Visible Bound
self.olaMap.setMapCamera([coordinate1, coordinate2])
- Create Annotation
We have created CustomAnnotationView
Type which is inherited from OlaAnnotation.
let cabAnnotation = CustomAnnotationView(identifier: identifier, image: UIImage(named: "IMAGE_NAME"))
cabAnnotation.bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40)
cabAnnotation.setRotate(Double(Int.random(in: 0...360))) // Set Bearing Angle for Cab
olaMap.setAnnotationMarker(at: coordinate, annotationView: cabAnnotation, identifier: cabAnnotation.identifier)
- Delete Annotation
You will need
to delete any annotation from the map.
You will need an array of OlaCoordinates to draw any polyline. Here, we have `polylineSetOlaToKormangla`
- Create Polyline
self.olaMap.showPolyline(identifier: "polyline-id", .solid, self.polylineSetOlaToKormangla, .darkGray)
- Delete Polyline
- Create Polygon
You need to call
to draw Polygon Gemoetry,
let coordinates: [OlaCoordinate] = [
OlaCoordinate(latitude: 12.9320745, longitude: 77.6137873),
OlaCoordinate(latitude: 12.931336, longitude: 77.6141494),
OlaCoordinate(latitude: 12.9308027, longitude: 77.6167565),
OlaCoordinate(latitude: 12.9317333, longitude: 77.6170891),
OlaCoordinate(latitude: 12.9322679, longitude: 77.6142218),
OlaCoordinate(latitude: 12.9320745, longitude: 77.6137873),
let strokeColor: UIColor = UIColor.black
let strokeWidth: CGFloat = 2.5
let zoneColor: UIColor = UIColor.systemGreen.withAlphaComponent(0.25)
olaMap.drawPolygon(identifier: "polygon-id", coordinates, zoneColor: zoneColor, strokeColor: strokeColor, storkeWidth: strokeWidth)
- Remove Polygon
You need to use
Along with Solid Polyline, we have the capability to draw Segmented Polyline. This data you will get from Directions API
. Check Platform Documnetation.
let polylineEncodedString = "ss|mAcpvxM}@KE@EFKfAAB?DQlACRQ`B?FCTKt@CNOlAANE\\?\\HVJTNXy@\\QF]NoA{CiByEi@sAEKCCO[Uc@q@mAVq@WCqBQwEg@_BKEAOAG@mCg@m@M"
let trafficCongestions = "0,3,0|3,4,0|4,5,0|5,7,0|7,8,0|8,10,10|10,12,10|12,14,10|14,15,10|15,16,0|16,19,5|19,21,5|21,23,0|23,24,0|24,25,0|25,26,0|26,28,0|28,30,5|30,31,5|31,33,5|33,35,5|35,36,5|36,38,5|38,39,5|39,40,0|40,41,0|41,44,0|44,45,0|45,47,0|47,48,5|48,49,5|49,50,0|50,51,0|51,52,0|52,53,0|53,54,0|54,55,0|55,56,0|56,57,0"
self.olaMap.showTrafficPolyline(encodedPolyline: polylineEncodedString, travelAdvisory: trafficCongestions) { polylineID in
print("Segmented PolylineID: \(polylineID)")