Copy ToggleSoftKeys folder to Android -> app -> src -> main -> java -> com -> name_of_your_project*
Don't forget to change import paths of your module in ToggleSoftKeysModule and ToggleSoftKeysPackage files
Import module to file with import com.name_of_your_project.ToggleSoftKeys.ToggleSoftKeysPackage; add package to package list
protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( ... , new ToggleSoftKeysPackage() ); }
- Start the react-native server with npm start command
- Build for android with react-native run-android
- Add module with import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'
- const { hide, show } = NativeModules.ToggleSoftKeys; Use this callbacks to hide/show android softkeys
Build tested, if something went wrong try to clean android build or invalidate cache and restart Android studio or look through example
Feel free to ask any questions.