Rendering of volumetric content remains very demanding task for existing devices. Thus the improvement of a perfor- mance of existing methods, design and implementation of new approaches specially for the 6-DoF environment could be a promising research topic.
This research focuses on reducing the Motion-to-Photon (M2P) latency by predicting the future user position and orientation for a look-ahead time (LAT) and sending the corresponding rendered view to a client. The LAT in this approach must be equal or larger to the M2P latency of the network including round-trip time (RTT) and time need for calculation and rendering of a future picture at remote server.
Download the code and create a virtualenv and activate it:
python3 -m venv UserPrediction6DOF
source UserPrediction6DOF/bin/activate
Install the packages according to the configuration file requirements.txt.
pip install -r requirements.txt
All commands must be executed from Development
folder and UserPrediction6DOF
folder must be included in it.
Resamples the collected raw traces from HMD with a sampling time of 5ms and saves them to ./data/interpolated.
python -m UserPrediction6DOF prepare
Quaternions between neighboring points in obtained dataset represent the very similar orientation. But on plots can be seen that there are sharp changes of line from negative to positive area with the same amplitude. Thus the two neighboring quaternions with similar rotation have significant 4D vector space between them. It makes prediction worse what can be proved by RMSE and MSE rotation metrics. By default the dataset from ./data/interpolated. will be used and result will be saved to ./data/flipped. With -i can be set the input path and with -o output.
python -m UserPrediction6DOF flip
python -m UserPrediction6DOF flip -i ./data/interpolated -o ./data/flipped
The dataset with flipped negative quaternions must be normalized
The full normalized dataset uses Min-max normalization that is one of the most common ways to normalize data. For every feature, the minimum value of that feature gets transformed into a 0, the maximum value gets transformed into a 1, and every other value gets transformed into a decimal between 0 and 1.
The result will be saved onto ./data/normalized_full
(the ending full
be added by the application)
python -m UserPrediction6DOF normalize -t full -i ./data/flipped -o ./data/normalized
Only position data (x, y, z) can be normalized with Min-max normalization:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF normalize -t min-max -i ./data/flipped -o ./data/normalized
The position data can be normalized also with z-score normalization. To normalize using standardization, the every value inside the dataset will be transformed to its corresponding value using the formula x = (x - mean) / std:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF normalize -t mean -i ./data/flipped -o ./data/normalized
Interpolated, flipped and normalized dataset to train LSTM and GRU Models and to make prediction. The best resuls are achieved with fully normalized dataset.
Application works with environment variables. If RNN_PARAMETERS
is set (is equal to 1 or something else) then the following parameter must be set as environment variables: HIDDEN_DIM, BATCH_SIZE, N_EPOCHS, DROPOUT, LAYERS
There are several model implementation. Best are LSTM1 and LSTM3. To run LSTM1 on full interpolated dataset with flipped negative quaternions for LAT 100ms (-w 100) use command:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF run -a rnn -m lstm1 -t full -w 100 -d data/flipped '
Best GRU is GRU1. To run GRU for LAT 100ms use command:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF run -a rnn -m gru1 -t full -w 100 -d data/flipped '
You can check all options with python -m UserPrediction6DOF run -h
Different train parameters can be used on the step of hyperparameter search. Use the provided Bash-scripts for creating the full test with more then 1000 jobs, experiment with only needed parameters and test set for testing purposes:
Training can be done in container in Singularity.
to specify the output directory
mkdir -p $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/gpu_jobs_results_fullNorm_lstm_MSE
cp zz_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.tar $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/gpu_jobs_results_fullNorm_lstm_MSE
Modify UserPrediction6DOF.def
to specify the model and dataset. For example to run LSTM with fully normalized dataset uncomment the line python -m UserPrediction6DOF run -a rnn -m lstm -w 100 -d 'data/normalized_full'
. Comment the rest of lines starting with python
Build container in Singularity:
singularity build --force --fakeroot UserPrediction6DOF.sif UserPrediction6DOF.def
Run set of jobs. Script takes row by row the hyperparameters from specified csv-file, sets environment variables and starts new job.
Warning! This will run a bunch of jobs. full_set.csv
runs >1000 jobs! Check your permissions in advance and contact your Slurm/Singularity administrator to ask how many jobs you can run at once.
To run your model (LSTM or GRU) on selected dataset with full hyperparameters search use command
./ Bash/full_set.csv
To see running (R) and pending (PD) jobs type:
If something went wrong, you can stop all your jobs with the command:
scancel -u <username>
Job results are saved as tar-archive in folder specified in
cp zz_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.tar $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/gpu_jobs_results_fullNorm_lstm_MSE
Run provided Bash-script for opening archives and saving hyperparameters from created by each job model_parameters_adjust_log
into merged csv-file:
./ gpu_jobs_results_fullNorm_lstm_MSE
This created merged cvs-file with all hyperparameters in ./results/gpu_jobs_results_fullNorm_lstm_MSE.csv
Use this file for analyze and plotting.
The results are logged into CSV-file as mentioned before.
To find 10 minimal MAE position and MAE rotation use command:
python min results/gpu_jobs_results_fullNorm_lstm_MSE.csv
To find 10 maximal MAE position and MAE rotation use command:
python max results/gpu_jobs_results_fullNorm_lstm_MSE.csv
There are many plots available. Plots are saved as pdf-files in ./results/plotter
Interpolated dataset: graph with x, y and z position, graph with 4 quaternions parameters and Euler angles in one pdf-file:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF plot -p dataset
Dataset with flipped quaternions: graph with x, y and z position, graph with 4 quaternions parameters and Euler angles in one pdf-file:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF plot -p flipped_quaternions
The comparision of interpolated dataset with dataset with flipped negative quaternions. This plots only quaternions graph from both datasets:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF plot -p compare
For some plots the column can be specified with flag -c
python -m UserPrediction6DOF plot -p hist -c qw
python -m UserPrediction6DOF plot -p hist -c x
Correlation matrix:
python -m UserPrediction6DOF plot -p hist -c qw