Final Project of ARCOS
num_asteroids: is an integer number, greater or equal than 0, which indicates the number of asteroids that will be simulated.
num iterations: is an integer number, greater or equal than 0, which indicates the number of iterations (time steps) that will be simulated.
num_planets: is an integer number, greater or equal than 0, which indicates the number of planets that will be included at the border of the space.
pos_ray: is a double precision floating point number, which indicates the exact position of the ray in the space (y coordinate).
seed: is a positive integer number that serves as seed for the generator functions for random numbers.
nasteroids-seq num\_asteroids num\_iterations num\_planets pos\_ray seed
Input parameters separated by a space in the same order in which they were introduced (without including the name of the program).
For each asteroid first, planet and ray, their position must be stored (x and y), as well as their mass (only for asteroids). Each element must be written in a line wit their parameters separated by spaces. When printing floating point numbers, 3 decimals must be printed.
// Random distributions
default_random_engine re{seed};
uniform_real_distribution<double> xdist{0.0, std::nextafter(width, std::numeric_limits<double>::max())};
uniform_real_distribution<double> ydist{0.0, std::nextafter(height, std::numeric_limits<double>::max())};
normal_distribution<double> mdist{mass, sdm};