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Object Mapping framework for Cassandra (Scylladb) database


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Demo spring boot application using Charybdis: charybdis-demo

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Charybdis is an Object Mapping framework for Cassandra database.

It provides an abstraction over the Datastax driver, and adds a set of tools in order to offer a seamless Model-Transformation between POJOs and database entities while ensuring optimal performance.

Charybdis uses Java annotation processing (APT) to generate the needed metadata for mapping and querying the database.

In this regard, Charybdis, unlike ORM libraries working at runtime, offers the following advantages:

  • High performance: Use plain java methods to serialize and deserialize database entities at runtime, since most work is done at compile-time.
  • Model validation: Get error reports at build-time when models are incomplete or incorrect.
  • Seamless model-transformation: Complex java data structures can be transformed seamlessly to Cassandra data types.



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Charybdis is compatible with Apache Cassandra 2.1 and higher.

It requires Java 8 or higher.


Let's design a real-world example that has the following:

  • Keyspace keyspace_demo
  • Table user
  • User-defined type (UDT) address (column in user).
  • User-defined type (UDT) country (field in address).


Keyspace modeling

Keyspace keyspace_demo:

@Keyspace(name = "keyspace_demo")
public class KeyspaceDemo {}

After compile, this generates class KeyspaceDemo_Keyspace with the needed metadata.

Udt modeling

Udt address:

@Udt(keyspace = "keyspace_demo", name = "address")
public class Address {

    private Integer number; // Avoid using primitive types in model class!
    private String street;
    private String city;
    private @Frozen Country country;
    // Public no-arg constructor, getter and setters ...

After compile, this generates class Address_Udt with the needed metadata.

Udt country:

@Udt(keyspace = "keyspace_demo", name = "country")
public class Country {

    @UdtField(name = "country_name")
    private String countryName;
    @UdtField(name= "country_code")
    private String countryCode;
    // Public no-arg constructor, getter and setters ...

After compile, this generates class Country_Udt with the needed metadata.

Table modeling

Table user:

@Table(keyspace = "keyspace_demo", name = "user")
public class User extends AbstractUser {

    @GeneratedValue // Generates id automatically when using Crud API
    private UUID id;

    @Column(name = "joining_date")
    @ClusteringKey(index = 0, order = ClusteringOrder.DESC)
    private Instant joiningDate;

    private List<@Frozen Address> addresses;

    @Index(name = "access_role") // Generates a secondary index on this column
    private RoleEnum role;

    @Column(name = "access_logs")
    private Map<Instant, String> accessLogs;
    // Public no-arg constructor, getter and setters ...

After compile, this generates class User_Table with the needed metadata.

Materialized View modeling

Cassandra Materialized View is also supported, it allows to create a query only table from a base table.

Materialized view user_by_role using base table user modeled using class (see above).

@MaterializedView(keyspace = "keyspace_demo", baseTable = User.class, name = "user_by_role")
public class UserByRole extends AbstractUser {

    private RoleEnum role;
    private UUID id;

    @Column(name = "joining_date")
    @ClusteringKey(index = 1, order = ClusteringOrder.DESC)
    private Instant joiningDate;

    private List<@Frozen Address> addresses;
    // Public no-arg constructor, getter and setters ...

After compile, this generates class UserByRole_View with the needed metadata.

Code Generation

After project is built, some classes are generated by Charybdis APT. These classes are implementations of Charybdis' metadata APIs. Additionally, we generate DDL scripts, loaded in classpath, to help you create or reset your database.

The following Cql files are generated for the modelling above:

  • ddl_create.cql
    CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS keyspace_demo WITH REPLICATION={'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
    CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS keyspace_demo.address(number int,street text,city text,country frozen<country>);
    CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS text,country_code text);
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS keyspace_demo.user(id uuid,joining_date timestamp,addresses list<frozen<address>>,role text,access_logs map<timestamp,text>,creation_date timestamp,last_updated_date timestamp,PRIMARY KEY(id, joining_date))WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY(joining_date DESC);
    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS user_role_idx ON keyspace_demo.user(role);
  • ddl_drop.cql
    DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS keyspace_demo;
    DROP TYPE IF EXISTS keyspace_demo.address;
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS keyspace_demo.user;
    DROP INDEX IF EXISTS keyspace_demo.user_role_idx;


In order to interact with our database, we need to instantiate CqlTemplate.

It is the main class in Charybdis core package. It can be instantiated by providing an implementation of SessionFactory, if none provided we fallback on DefaultSessionFactory.

CqlTemplate cqlTemplate = new CqlTemplate();
// Or with a specific implementation of SessionFactory
CqlTemplate cqlTemplate = new CqlTemplate(customSessionFactory);

This class gives us access to different APIs Dsl API or Crud API in order to manage our Cql queries.


  • Insert:

    List<Adress> addresses = List.of(...);
    boolean applied = cqlTemplate.dsl().insertInto(User_Table.user,, User_Table.joiningDate, User_Table.addresses)
                       .values(UUID.randomUUID(),, addresses)
  • Update:

    boolean applied = cqlTemplate.dsl().update(User_Table.user)
                       .set(User_Table.addresses.entry(0), new Address(...)) // Updates address at index 0.
                       .set(User_Table.role, RoleEnum.ADMIN)
                       .set(User_Table.accessLogs, User_Table.accessLogs.append(Map.of(, "Ubuntu"))) // Adds entry to column 'access_logs'
  • Select:

    User user = cqlTemplate.dsl().selectFrom(User_Table.user)
  • Delete:

    boolean applied = cqlTemplate.dsl().delete()

Crud API

  • Insert:

    User persistedUser = cqlTemplate.crud().create(User_Table.user, new User(...));
  • Update:

    persistedUser = cqlTemplate.crud().update(User_Table.user, persistedUser);
  • Select:

    Optional<User> adminUser = cqlTemplate.crud().findOptional(User_Table.user,
  • Delete:

    boolean deleted = cqlTemplate.crud().delete(User_Table.user, persistedUser);

Batch queries

Charybdis also supports Cql Batch queries. For convenience we chose to have the same syntax as before to build batch enclosed queries, using both Crud and Dsl APIs.

Let's suppose we have two tables :

  • person : table with partition key id.
  • person_by_ssn : table with same data in table person but with different partition key "ssn" (social security number).

Batch logged

// Instantiate batch API
Batch batch = cqlTemplate.batch().logged();

// Add update query to our batch on table 'person' (Dsl API)
           .set(, "John Doe")
// Add update query to our batch on table 'person_by_ssn' (Dsl API)
           .set(, "John Doe")

// Execute batch query

Batch Unlogged

// Instantiate batch API
Batch batch = cqlTemplate.batch().unlogged();

// Add insert query to our batch on table 'person' (Dsl API)
cqlTemplate.dsl(batch).insertInto(Person_Table.person,, Person_Table.ssn,
           .values(1, "999-00-1111", "Franklin Roosevelt")
// Add insert query to our batch on table 'person' (Crud API)
new Person newPerson = new Person(1, "999-00-2222", "Theodore Roosevelt"); 
cqlTemplate.crud(batch).create(Person_Table.person, newPerson);

// Execute batch query

Programmatic Batch Management

It is also possible to execute a bunch of write queries as a single batch with the following:

cqlTemplate.executeAsLoggedBatch(() -> {
  // Query1: Persist person entity using Dsl API
  cqlTemplate.dsl().insertInto(Person_Table.person,, Person_Table.ssn,
             .values(1, "999-00-1111", "Franklin Roosevelt")
  // Query2: Persist person_by_ssn using a custom service (which in turn uses Charybdis's Crud or Dsl API)

Both queries Query1 and Query2 will be executed as a single logged batch query.

Lightweight Transaction

Charybdis also handles lightweight transactions in order to prevent race conditions in cases where strong consistency is not enough and client needs to read, then write data.

  • LWT for Insert:

    Insert a row only if it doesn't exist

    cqlTemplate.dsl().insertInto(User_Table.user,, User_Table.joiningDate, User_Table.addresses)
            .values(UUID.randomUUID(),, addresses)
  • LWT for Update:

    Update a row only if it fulfills a condition (in the example below user must have ADMIN role)

               .set(User_Table.addresses, newAddresses)
  • LWT for Delete:

    Delete a row only if it fulfills a condition (in the example below user must have ADMIN role)


Tuneable Consistency

Consistency can be defined at table definition level, so as to be applied on all queries involving said table, like the following:

@Table(keyspace = "keyspace_demo", name = "table", writeConsistency = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, 
              readConsistency = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, serialConsistency = SerialConsistencyLevel.SERIAL)
public class Table {
    // attributes and methods ... 

We can also have a fine-grained control over consistency, by having a particular level for certain queries. This can be done at runtime:

  • In Crud API:
                 .create(User_Table.user, new User(...));
  • In Dsl API:
            .insertInto(User_Table.user,, User_Table.joiningDate, User_Table.addresses)
            .values(UUID.randomUUID(),, addresses)

Asynchronous Capabilities

All queries can be executed in an asynchronous manner, using datastax asynchronous API. Asynchronous methods return instances of java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.

Here are some examples:

  • In Dsl API:

    CompletableFuture<Boolean> futureInstance = 
                cqlTemplate.dsl().insertInto(User_Table.user,, User_Table.joiningDate, User_Table.addresses)
                                               .values(UUID.randomUUID(),, addresses)
  • In Batch API:

    Batch batch = cqlTemplate.batch().unlogged();
    cqlTemplate.dsl(batch).insertInto(Person_Table.person,, Person_Table.ssn,
               .values(1, "999-00-1111", "Franklin Roosevelt")
    new Person newPerson = new Person(1, "999-00-2222", "Theodore Roosevelt"); 
    cqlTemplate.crud(batch).create(Person_Table.person, newPerson);
    // Execute batch query asynchronously
    CompletableFuture<Void> futureInstance = batch.executeAsync();

Check documentation for more details: Datastax Asynchronous API Doc


Charybdis is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Object Mapping framework for Cassandra (Scylladb) database







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