Changelog 2.0.0 π π π
A ton of work has been done and this is pretty much our biggest release so far. That's why we decided to label it with 2.0.0. We basically created a whole new app with the expeditions feature.
So what's new you ask? Have a look :)
- Added ALL card and mage effect texts (actually we did this with 1.10.0 but did not yet release it)
- Added detail views to nemeses, mages and cards on tiles and inside the settings/contentcustomization
- Moved classic randomizer functionality into a new bottom navigation, to make access to each endpoint easier
- Added guided Expeditions including:
- naming and saving expeditions
- automatic scoring
- variants (default, short, extended)
- bigPocketMode
- custom supply usage for the inital setup
- guidance through the expedition itself
- reward selection for battle wins and losses
- accessible barracks including mages, treasures, supply, banished cards and upgraded basic nemesis cards
- lots of performance improvements
- Drawer no longer pushes the content and overlaps instead and is easily closable by touching outside of it
- tons of refactoring
- a few more tests