Telegram Bot for facilitating local community markets.
To use the Telegram Bot API, you first have to get a bot account by chatting with BotFather.
Create a directory on the docker host for persisting the SSB data:
mkdir ~/ssb-bazaar-data
chown -R 1000:1000 ~/ssb-bazaar-data
Run the image
docker run -d --name bazaar-bot \
-v ~/ssb-bazaar-data/:/root/.ssb-bazaarbot/ \
-e BOT_TOKEN="xxx-xxx-xx" \
-e FIAT_CURRENCY="Dollars" \
-e APP_KEY="secret" \
-p 4000:4000 \
--restart unless-stopped \
Or Rename the .env.sample
file to .env
and edit it with needed configuration.
Copy and edit the .env.compose
file: cp .env.compose .env
Now just run docker-compose up -d
to run it detached.