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Ansible role keystone

An Ansible role for keystone. Specifically, the responsibilities of this role are to:

  • Install a keystone
  • Configure a keystone
  • Support SQLite or MySQL engine
  • Add user, project and role to keystone


  • Ansible 2.4

Role Variables

Variable Default Comments (type)
openio_keystone_bind_interface "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.alias }}" Name of the NIC to use
openio_keystone_bind_address "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + openio_keystone_bind_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}" IP address to use
openio_keystone_bindir /usr/bin OpenStack's bin folde
openio_keystone_bootstrap_all_nodes false Bootstrap the first endpoint on all nodes
openio_keystone_cloudname openio The cloud name in the /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml
openio_keystone_config_cache_backend dogpile.cache.memcached Cache in memcached
openio_keystone_config_cache_debug_cache_backend "" No debug cache
openio_keystone_config_cache_enabled true Cache in memcached
openio_keystone_config_cache_memcache_dead_retry ""
openio_keystone_config_cache_memcache_servers `` IP:PORT for memcahed
openio_keystone_config_default_admin_token ""
openio_keystone_config_default_debug false
openio_keystone_config_default_log_dir "/var/log/keystone" Logs folder
openio_keystone_config_dir /etc/keystone Keystone's config folder
openio_keystone_credentials_tokens_key_repository /etc/keystone/credential-keys/ Credential folder
openio_keystone_database_connection sqlite:///{{ openio_keystone_database_sqlite_directory }}/{{ openio_keystone_database_sqlite_file }} Connection string
openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_address `` Database's IP
openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_database keystone DB name
openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_password `` Password for keystone user
openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_user keystone DB user
openio_keystone_database_sqlite_directory /var/lib/keystone SQLite folder
openio_keystone_database_sqlite_file keystone.db SQLite file
openio_keystone_fernet_tokens_key_repository /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/ Fernet keys folder
openio_keystone_gridinit_dir "/etc/gridinit.d/{{ openio_keystone_namespace }}" Path to copy the gridinit conf
openio_keystone_gridinit_file_prefix "" Maybe set it to {{ openio_keystone_namespace }}- for old gridinit's style
openio_keystone_namespace "OPENIO" Namespace
openio_keystone_no_log true For sensible output
openio_keystone_nodes_group openio_keystone Groupname in your inventory
openio_keystone_openstack_distribution pike Release of OpenStack
openio_keystone_projects `` dict of projects to declare
openio_keystone_repo_managed false Manage repository
openio_keystone_serviceid "0" ID in gridinit
openio_keystone_services `` dict of services to declare
openio_keystone_services_to_bootstrap `` dict of services to bootstrap
openio_keystone_system_group_name keystone Process group
openio_keystone_system_user_name keystone Process user
openio_keystone_tmp_keys_dir /tmp temporary folder
openio_keystone_token_provider fernet
openio_keystone_users `` dict of services to declare
openio_keystone_uwsgi_bind `` dict of uwsgi endpoint
openio_keystone_wsgi_admin_program_name keystone-wsgi-admin
openio_keystone_wsgi_processes ansible_processor_vcpus * 2 ansible_processor_vcpus * 2 limited to openio_keystone_wsgi_processes_max
openio_keystone_wsgi_processes_max 16 Max of openio_keystone_wsgi_processes
openio_keystone_wsgi_program_names `` WSGI endpoint to run
openio_keystone_wsgi_public_program_name keystone-wsgi-public
openio_keystone_wsgi_threads 1
openio_keystone_provision_only false Provision only without restarting / bootstrapping

User & project

After a bootstrap, it s possible to declare users, services, and projects into keystone

Like this:

  - name: demo
    password: DEMO_PASS
  - name: swift
    password: SWIFT_PASS
  - name: openio-swift
    type: object-store
    description: OpenIO SDS swift proxy
      - interface: admin
        url: ""
      - interface: internal
        url: ""
      - interface: public
        url: ""
  - name: service
    domain_id: default
      - user: swift
        role: admin
  - name: demo
    description: OpenIO demo project
    domain_id: default
      - user: demo
        role: _member_
      - user: demo
        role: admin


  • Epel for RedHat familly
  • This role don't install a MariaDB server (in case of mysql engine). You have to install it

Example Playbook

- hosts: my_keystones
  gather_facts: true
  become: true
    - role: repository
    - role: users
    - role: gridinit
    - role: memcached
      openio_memcached_namespace: "{{ namespace }}"
      openio_memcached_serviceid: "0"
      openio_memcached_bind_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"

    - role: mariadb
      mariadb_bind_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
      mariadb_root_password: "{{ keystone_mysql_rootuser_password }}"
        - name: keystone
        - name: keystone
          password: "{{ keystone_mysql_keystoneuser_password }}"
          priv: 'keystone.*:ALL'
          host: '%'

        - name: keystone
          password: "{{ keystone_mysql_keystoneuser_password }}"
          priv: '*.*:SUPER'
          append_privs: "yes"
          host: '%'

    - role: keystone
      openio_keystone_bind_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.alias }}"
      openio_keystone_namespace: "{{ namespace }}"
      openio_keystone_nodes_group: "my_keystones"
      openio_keystone_config_cache_memcache_servers: "127.0.01:6019"
      openio_keystone_database_engine: mysql
      #openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_user: keystone
      openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_password: "{{ keystone_mysql_keystoneuser_password }}"
      openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_address: "{{ groups['db'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_default_ipv4', 'address']) | list | first }}"
      #openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_database: keystone
      openio_keystone_bind_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.alias }}"
      #openio_keystone_config_cache_memcache_servers: "127.0.01:6019"
        - name: keystone
          user: admin
          password: "{{ keystone_mysql_keystoneuser_password }}"
          project: admin
          role: admin
          regionid: "us-east-1"
          # eventually a VIP
          adminurl: "http://{{ VIP.address }}:35357"
          publicurl: "http://{{ VIP.address }}:5000"
          internalurl: "http://{{ VIP.address }}:5000"
        - name: openio-swift
          type: object-store
          description: OpenIO SDS swift proxy
            # eventually a VIP
            - interface: admin
              url: "http://{{ VIP.address }}:6007/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
            - interface: internal
              url: "http://{{ VIP.address }}:6007/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"
            - interface: public
              url: "http://{{ VIP.address }}:6007/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s"

    #shorter way with defaults and a local database
    #- role: keystone
    #  openio_keystone_namespace: "{{ namespace }}"
    #  openio_keystone_bind_interface: eth0
    #  openio_keystone_database_engine: mysql
    #  openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_user: keystone
    #  openio_keystone_database_mysql_connection_password: keystonepass
node1 ansible_host=


If you encounter problems with the synchronize tasks for the fernet tokens, like the following example:

fatal: [mars2]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Authentication or permission failure. In some cases, you may have been able to authenticate and did not have permissions on the target directory. Consider changing the remote tmp path in ansible.cfg to a path rooted in \"/tmp\". Failed command was: ( umask 77 && mkdir -p \"` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1527081553.09-268394055831894 `\" && echo ansible-tmp-1527081553.09-268394055831894=\"` echo /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1527081553.09-268394055831894 `\" ), exited with result 1", "unreachable": true}

You can try to add the following line to your ansible.cfg: remote_tmp=/tmp

For reference, see this bug report.


Issues, feature requests, ideas are appreciated and can be posted in the Issues section.

Pull requests are also very welcome. The best way to submit a PR is by first creating a fork of this Github project, then creating a topic branch for the suggested change and pushing that branch to your own fork. Github can then easily create a PR based on that branch.


