OBEU Data Analysis and Mining repository
This repository hosts implementation of the OBEU Data Analysis and Mining (The ten tasks defined in D2.3). Currently, it has three branches: master, staging, and production. OBEU Partners are encouraged to create their own branches for doing testing (Python, Java, etc.), better just use their personal name as the branch name.
A OBEU lib for data analysis and mining
Web page development for each task
Communication with other modules/system (Visualization, Triple store, Openspending)
To consistent with OpenSpending, we use Flask + Python at the backend, javascript(currently bootstrap) at the frontend.
install R ** using brew brew tap homebrew/science brew install r
Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/openbudgets/DAM
and$ git checkout tiansi
Install and setup postgresql
# on osx, configures postgres without security measures from localhost and creates a user for your UID
brew install postgres
# on [debian/ubuntu] linux
apt-get install postgres
psql postgres
CREATE DATABASE openbudgets WITH OWNER=<username-is-usually-your-login-name>
Install the Redis Server (http://redis.io/)
Install python 3.5 (see https://www.python.org/downloads/)
Ensure that python 3 has been successfully installed and points to the correct interpreter, e.g.
$ python3 -V
$ Python 3.5.2
In order to install the project dependencies you will need the following packages
sudo apt-get install python3-dev build-essential python-psycopg2 libpng-devel postgresql-devel
(Mac os user skip this) -
Install autoenv
$ pip install autoenv
$ echo "source `which activate.sh`" >> ~/.bashrc
Install virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
Afterwards create a virtual environment for your project and go to the project's folder
$ virtualenv env
$ cd DAM
- Setup environment variables
export APP_SETTINGS=config.DevelopmentConfig # to tell the server to startup in development mode
export DATABASE_URL=localhost/openbudges # or whatever you used above as postgres DB
Install all application requirements by executing
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start your application by executing
python manage.py runserver
in a new terminal, run
in a new terminal, run
python3 worker.py
Go to http://localhost:5000
go to the directory where you want to install
clone the Redis image by typing git clone https://github.com/mlukasch/dam_env
then, cd dam_env && chmod +x startContainers.sh && ./startContainers.sh
in the config.py
file, change USE_DOCKER_REDIS = True
- Error 1
RuntimeError: Python is not installed as a framework. The Mac OS X backend will not be able to function correctly if Python is not installed as a framework. See the Python documentation for more information on installing Python as a framework on Mac OS X. Please either reinstall Python as a framework, or try one of the other backends. If you are Working with Matplotlib in a virtual enviroment see 'Working with Matplotlib in Virtual environments' in the Matplotlib FAQ
- Solution to Error 1
touch frameworkpython
file in the virtualenv bin directory with the following content:
# what real Python executable to use
# find the root of the virtualenv, it should be the parent of the dir this script is in
ENV=`$PYTHON -c "import os; print(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(\"$0\"), '..')))"`
# now run Python with the virtualenv set as Python's HOME
exec $PYTHON "$@"
instead of running python manage.py runserver
, run frameworkpython manage.py runserver
- Solution 2 to Error 1
If you are using pyenv and pyenv virualenv you can simply install a python framework version:
env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework CC=clang" pyenv virtualenv install <python_version>
# re-create the virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv [local] openbudgets