Releases: opencast/opencast-editor
Releases · opencast/opencast-editor
What's Changed
New Features
- Add subtitle delete button by @geichelberger in #1511
Usability and Accessibility
- Properly center and space end screen by @lkiesow in #1467
- Make behavior of forward button more intuitive by @JulianKniephoff in #1495
- More small screen responsiveness by @Arnei in #1160
Other Changes
- Complete replacing jest with vitest by @Arnei in #1419
- Add vitest to ci by @Arnei in #1420
- Fix Crowdin integration by @lkiesow in #1493
- Fix ICLA check by @lkiesow in #1494
- Unify save requests by @Arnei in #1472
- Remove png ts definition file by @Arnei in #1418
- Fix random typing issues by @Arnei in #1417
- Remove CRA ts definition file by @Arnei in #1416
- Remove duplicate save code by @Arnei in #1413
- Make use of ProtoButton from appkit by @Arnei in #1393
- Add typing to async thunks by @Arnei in #1415
Full Changelog: 2024-10-16...2024-12-17
What's Changed
New Features
- Subtitle editor: Allow to change end time of segment in timeline by drag and drop by @snoesberger in #1316
Bug Fixes
- Fix opencast editor logo by @geichelberger in #1424
- Fix editor not playing audio due to video order by @Arnei in #1376
Other Changes
- Fix the release script for macOS by @JulianKniephoff in #1441
- Fix ICLA Check by @lkiesow in #1468
- npm audit fix by @Arnei in #1422
- Update dependency react-player by @Arnei in #1421
- Replace iarna/toml with smol-toml by @Arnei in #1423
New Contributors
- @snoesberger made their first contribution in #1316
Full Changelog: 2024-07-12...2024-10-16
What's Changed
New Features
- Basic zoom functionality for the cutting view by @Arnei in #1033
- Make editor logo changeable by @ciegler in #1336
Usability and Accessibility
- Fix aspect ratio video box size in Safari by @ferishili in #1383
Other Changes
- Some stylistic nitpicks by @JulianKniephoff in #1385
npx update-browserslist-db@latest
by @JulianKniephoff in #1386- Remove flex gap polyfill by @JulianKniephoff in #1387
- Unconditionally upload Playwright test results by @JulianKniephoff in #1389
- Remove a redundant workflow step by @JulianKniephoff in #1388
New Contributors
- @ferishili made their first contribution in #1383
- @ciegler made their first contribution in #1336
Full Changelog: 2024-06-11...2024-07-12
What's Changed
New Features
- Link subtitle tag documentation by @lkiesow in #1332
- Document and link translation rules by @gregorydlogan in #1335
Other Changes
- Fix releaste note configuration by @lkiesow in #1331
- Update to Node.js 20 (current LTS) by @lkiesow in #1330
- Dependabot configuration for GitHub Actions by @lkiesow in #1342
- Specify version of comment action by @lkiesow in #1341
New Contributors
- @gregorydlogan made their first contribution in #1335
Full Changelog: 2024-05-07...2024-06-11
What's Changed
New Features
- Controls to jump to next or previous segment by @dennis531 in #1317
- Movable cut marks by @dennis531 in #1315
Usability and Accessibility
- Change wordings in finish menu by @dennis531 in #1311
- Add context menu for cutting actions by @dennis531 in #1318
- Dynamic skip threshold by @lkiesow in #1329
Bug Fixes
- Add lazy loading of lang files by @geichelberger in #1310
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024-04-16-2...2024-05-07
Fixed version of 2024-04-16. For more details on what else changed see that release.
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- Set vite base by @geichelberger in #1297
Full Changelog: 2024-04-16...2024-04-16-2
ATTENTION: I am broken! 😢 Please use 2024-04-16-2 instead.
What's Changed
New Features
- Download subtitle files by @Pavol-Beskid in #1185
Usability and Accessibility
- Fix #1186, incorrect color of btn icons on hover by @maheshchandra10 in #1187
- Align track view button placement with thumbnail view by @Arnei in #1158
- Fixed alignment of workflow title by @Dhananjay-12 in #1212
- Don't show certain thumbnail buttons for single track by @Arnei in #1208
- Thumbnail make boxes same size by @Arnei in #1210
Bug Fixes
- Fix subtitles not being saved to Opencast by @Arnei in #1183
- Fix subtitle select page crashing by @Arnei in #1266
- Fix subtiles not saved for new subtitles by @Arnei in #1267
- Fix tooltip not showing on subtitle select button by @Arnei in #1264
- Fix web console error message about xmlnsSvg by @Arnei in #1261
- Remove whitespace by @geichelberger in #1284
- Replace REACT_ environment variables by @geichelberger in #1298
New Contributors
- @maheshchandra10 made their first contribution in #1187
- @Pavol-Beskid made their first contribution in #1185
- @Dhananjay-12 made their first contribution in #1212
Full Changelog: 2023-10-17...2024-04-16
What's Changed
Security Fixes
npm audit fix
by @JulianKniephoff in #1036
New Features
- Change subtitle identification from flavor to id by @Arnei in #958
- Remove all segments button by @dennis531 in #1097
- Add callback url for integration (#1084) by @dennis531 in #1100
- Add volume control by @dennis531 in #1060
- Implement editor locking so only one person can edit a recording a time by @JamesUoM in #1102
Usability and Accessibility
- Display critical error if Opencast does not provide a video duration by @Arnei in #329
- Keep video controls row from overflowing to the left by @Arnei in #908
- Convert text to path in logo by @lkiesow in #1096
- Redesign by @Arnei in #1079
- Bump appkit version for high contrast borders by @Arnei in #1159
- fix #997, correct workflow ordering by @JamesUoM in #1179
- Add infos on waveform to ReadMe by @Arnei in #1099
- Combine "Configuration" sections in ReadMe by @Arnei in #1098
New Contributors
- @JulianKniephoff made their first contribution in #1036
Full Changelog: 2023-04-20...2023-10-17
What's Changed
New Features
Usability and Accessibility
- Changed "saved successfully" to suggest that the editor can be closed now by @Arnei in #792
- Added high contrast mode by @naweidner in #759
- Improved tooltips by @naweidner in #788
- Remove superfluos "=" on landing page by @Arnei in #838
- Update language strings by @geichelberger in #840
- change text color for react-select multi CreatableSelect by @ziegenberg in #842
- Fix timeline marker in subtitle-editor being obscured by @Arnei in #906
- Gear menu flow by @Arnei in #893
- Make active workflow warning less technical by @lkiesow in #882
- Icon Configuration for Languages by @lkiesow in #860
- Add aria-label to theme selector by @geichelberger in #855
- Replace scrubber language strings by @geichelberger in #854
- High contrast mode for subtitle editor by @naweidner in #841
- Tooltips for subtitle editor by @naweidner in #836
- Do not highlight timeline segments in thumbnail editor by @Arnei in #911
- Fix vertical scrolling by @Arnei in #909
- Improve visibility of input fields by @dennis531 in #973
- Correct spelling in locale catalogs by @JamesUoM in #960
- Fix language wording ES to local name by @cgruber-uos in #959
- Omit "preview" in video flavors drop down of subtitle editor by @dennis531 in #978
- Remove dead code in video header by @Arnei in #905
- Add internal identifier for subtitle cues by @Arnei in #974
- Additional Hotkey to play back video in the subtitle editor by @dennis531 in #979
- Make Studio and Editor look alike by @lkiesow in #1035
Bug Fixes
- Fix type errors in videoSlice.test.ts by @Arnei in #907
- Fix preview button tooltip hotkey hardcoded by @Arnei in #894
- Fix type mismatch for Select labels by @Arnei in #892
- Thumbnail for video streams only by @lkiesow in #884
- Fix language resources loading by @dennis531 in #998
- Load locally if possible by @lkiesow in #1010
- No Workflow Error by @lkiesow in #1028
- Fix segment list unique key warning by @Arnei in #895
- Display "Unsaved changes" for subtitles by @Arnei in #1034
- update readme section 'How to cut a release for Opencast' by @ziegenberg in #815
- Split demo and production configuration by @lkiesow in #844
New Contributors
- @geichelberger made their first contribution in #840
- @dennis531 made their first contribution in #973
- @JamesUoM made their first contribution in #960
- @cgruber-uos made their first contribution in #959
Full Changelog: 2022-10-06...2023-04-20
What's Changed
New Features
Usability and Accessibility
- Changed "saved successfully" to suggest that the editor can be closed now by @Arnei in #792
- Added high contrast mode by @naweidner in #759
- Improved tooltips by @naweidner in #788
- update readme section 'How to cut a release for Opencast' by @ziegenberg in #815
Full Changelog: 2022-10-06...2022-10-19