A REST API designed to be used by CEO (Collect Earth Online) to interface with Google Earth Engine.
From project root directory
pip install -r requirements.txt
OR using virtualenv (Optional)
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit the configuration file (config.py
or instance/config.py
DEBUG = False # {True|False}
PORT = 8888 # flask server running port
HOST = '' # flask server running host
CO_ORIGINS = '*' # origin or list of origins to allow requests from
import logging
From project root directory
python run.py
OR using virtualenv (Optional)
source env/bin/activate
python run.py
usage: run.py [-h] [--gmaps_api_key GMAPS_API_KEY] [--ee_account EE_ACCOUNT]
[--ee_key_path EE_KEY_PATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--gmaps_api_key GMAPS_API_KEY
Google Maps API key
--ee_account EE_ACCOUNT
Google Earth Engine account
--ee_key_path EE_KEY_PATH
Google Earth Engine key path
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
From project root directory
sphinx-build -aE -b html . static/docs
├── README.md
├── license.txt
├── requirements.txt list of third party packages to install
├── config.py configuration file
├── setup.py setup script
├── run.py application start up
├── instance/ (not in version control)
├── config.py alternative configuration file (not in version control)
├── gee_gateway/ application folder
├── __init__.py blueprint initialization
├── web/
├── __init__.py
├── errors.py error handlers definition
├── routes.py blueprint routes definition
├── gee/
├── __init__.py
├── gee_exception.py
├── utils.py
├── templates/ blueprint templates
├── index.html playground
├── static/ blueprint static files
├── assets/ css, images, js, libs and fonts
├── conf.py sphinx (documentation) configuration file
├── index.rst sphinx index file
├── static/ static resources folder
├── docs/ documentation folder
├── index.html