This is the documentation for the QField Ecosystem composed by QField, QFieldCloud and QFieldSync. The documentation is deployed here.
This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License][cc-by-sa], feel free to use it accordingly and to contribute back your updates via a pull request.
[cc-by-sa]: [cc-by-sa-shield]:
[![CC BY-SA 4.0][cc-by-sa-shield]][cc-by-sa]
(Inspired by
The documentation is structured in four separated topics:
- Get Started
- How-to guides
- Technical references
- Background information
Contains lessons that take the reader by the hand through a series of steps to complete a project of some kind. They are what your project needs in order to show a beginner that they can achieve something with it.
They are wholly learning-oriented, and specifically, they are oriented towards learning how rather than learning that.
How-to guides take the reader through the steps required to solve a real-world problem.
They are recipes, directions to achieve a specific end - for example: how to create a web form; how to plot a three-dimensional data-set; how to enable LDAP authentication.
Reference guides are technical descriptions of the machinery and how to operate it.
Reference guides have one job only: to describe. They are code-determined, because ultimately that’s what they describe: key classes, functions, APIs, and so they should list things like functions, fields, attributes and methods, and set out how to use them.
Explanation to clarify and illuminate a particular topic. They broaden the documentation’s coverage of a topic.
The documentation is written in English and managed in this git repository. The latest version of the documentation is automatically built by a Github action and published on the links above.
Translation is done via transifex. The latest translations are pulled and built on a daily basis (using GitHub actions).
QField is a community driven open source project. As such we are very happy to get your help and feedback.
Therefore we appreciate if you can help us by
- Documenting features (in English)
- Improving the documentation (in English)
- Translate it to your language
NB: We're using a pre-commit hook to enforce formatting. It will trigger whenever you commit to this repository. Read further to learn how to run your work against it.
Note: You will need a github account for this.
Navigate to and click the Fork
link on the top
right. You now have your own copy of the documentation on which you can work
and cannot do any damage, feel free to experiment.
If you want more information about forking you can find it
Only English source files are to be edited manually in the repository.
Files ending in
are uploaded to Transifex for translation.
It is necessary to create a unique tx_slug
in the metadata of the newly created markdown files. E.g:
title: Advanced Setup
tx_slug: tutorial_advanced_setup_qfc
The tx_slug
identifies the resource on Transifex. It should not be changed in existing files, otherwise unnecessary duplication is created on Transifex.
cp .env.example .env
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
pipenv run mkdocs serve
The local doc will be available at http://localhost:8000.
This will build the pages only in English.
If you want to see the site in all the translations, in .env
to empty.
Before committing, install pre-commit to auto-format your contributions. You can install pre-commit for the current user with
pip install --user pre-commit
pre-commit install
Ensure Docker or Podman is installed and set up as appropriate. If using Podman substitute podman
for docker
in the following steps.
- Clone this repository: git clone
- Build the container:
docker build . -t qfield-docs
- Run it:
docker run -it -v ${PWD}/documentation:/opt/app/documentation -p 8000:8000 qfield-docs
- Point your browser to the serving endpoint at http://localhost:8000.
The server will automatically live-reload with any change made to the local ./documentation
For inspecting the built documentation before serving you can instead run the container with:
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --rm localhost/qfield-docs bash
source .venv/bin/activate
mkdocs build
The build output is available at ./site
inside of the container.
Once you have made changes which you would like to contribute back to the main documentation, please make a pull request.
Note: You will need to have a Transifex account for this.
Navigate to our Transifex
and click on the language you would like to translate. You will see a link
Join Team
. Click it and wait for approval (you will receive an email).
Once you receive the email you can head back to the Transifex project page,
click on your language again and then will have the possibility to choose a
documentation chapter to translate. There is a Translate
button after
choosing a chapter.
If your language is not yet available, we will happily add it for you. Just open an issue and tell us which language you would like to translate it to.