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Loading additional data

Stian Soiland-Reyes edited this page Jul 28, 2016 · 33 revisions

Tutorial: Loading additional data in Open PHACTS

Q: How can I update RDF datasets in Open PHACT's RDF store?

We'll assume you have already installed Open PHACTS using Docker, and that you have Virtuoso running as the Docker container ops-virtuoso, exposed on http://localhost:3003/sparql (or equivalent hostname). Similarly you will have ops-api exposed on http://localhost:3002/ and ops-ims on http://localhost:3004/QueryExpander/

Warning: In this tutorial we'll use an ops-docker installation on - please note that this service is only for demo purposes and might not remain available or in the same state. It should not be accessed for production use as it runs on low-spec hardware.

The RDF data loaded in Open PHACTS come from different sources - some of which require manual download or transformation.

Each dataset is kept in a different named graphs in Virtuoso, meaning we can query them separately. For instance, on http://localhost:3003/sparql try this query to count triples in the Uniprot graph:

    GRAPH <> {
      ?s ?p ?o.

The query might take some seconds to execute the first time if the Virtuoso server has recently been restarted.


In short, updating a data source consists of:

  1. Download/generate the updated RDF data
  2. Drop the old GRAPH (if replacing)
  3. Parse/load RDF into Virtuoso (NOTE: this could take several hours or even days)
  4. Download/generate any updated linksets
  5. Load updated linksets to Identity Mapping Service
  6. If the RDF has changed in structure (e.g. vocabulary changes), update affected queries in the API
  7. Test that API calls that worked before still work as expected (allowing for actual data change)

As a running example this page uses Uniprot, but the process will be similar for each of the data sources.

What data source?

So let's say we want to update Uniprot, which we find in the Open PHACTS 2.0 data sources as being version 2015_11, however latest version is 2016_07.

Note that Uniprot is a special case for Open PHACTS, because although you can download all of the Uniprot RDF, that is 128 GB - compressed as rdf.xz, which mean it would require something like 2 TB just for loading. The queries used by Open PHACTS luckily only require a much smaller subset of this, about 7.9 GB as rdf.gz.

Still, just parsing may take many hours, so for demonstration purposes this tutorial downloads a small subset.

Download data

The Uniprot data source is described as:

curl -d 'query=reviewed%3ayes&force=yes&format=rdf' > swissprot_20151116.rdf.xml
curl -d 'query=reviewed%3ayes&force=yes&format=rdf' > uniparc_20151116.rdf.xml
curl -d 'sort=&desc=&query=reviewed%3ayes&fil=&format=rdf&force=yes' > uniref_20151116.rdf.xml

That is three separate queries against Uniprot API, which return the result as RDF based on the latest release. So if we run those queries again today we should get the latest Uniprot data.

We can improve the download speed and disk space requirement to compress with gzip by adding compress=true and run all three downloads at once:

date=`date -I`  # e.g. 2016-07-27
curl -d 'query=reviewed%3ayes&force=yes&format=rdf&compress=true' > swissprot_$date.rdf.gz &
curl -d 'query=reviewed%3ayes&force=yes&format=rdf&compress=true' > uniparc_$date.rdf.gz &
curl -d 'query=reviewed%3ayes&force=yes&format=rdf&compress=true' > uniref_$date.rdf.gz &

Note that executing the above query download can take multiple hours, so in this tutorial we will cheat a bit to make a small subset. The Uniprot query can be accessed in the browser for each of those three sources:

You may notice that all three queries filter crucially by reviewed%3ayes - that is reviewed:yes in the search box.

This filters to only include the the Swiss-prot manually reviewed entries of Uniprot, which as you see drastically reduces the result size:

Data source Reviewed Unreviewed Total
uniprot 551,705 65,378,749 65,930,454
uniparc 503,157 123,735,183 124,238,340
uniref 952,465 143,351,546 144,304,011

For each of these queries you will see there's a Download button, from where you select:

  • Download all (551705)
  • Format: RDF/XML
  • Compressed

For the purpose of this tutorial we will modify the query to download only the entries created in the last month. You can similarly modify the queries to only load a particular species, etc.

Note, as uniref is quite large (it contains the protein sequences), the above query is artificially limited to reviewed:yes published:[20160601 TO *] count:[100 TO *] AND identity:1.0 resulting in just 2815 entries.

Now you should have three files:

-rw-rw-r--  1 stain stain  18K Jul 25 14:12 uniparc-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 stain stain 3.1M Jul 25 14:12 uniprot-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 stain stain  13M Jul 25 15:26 uniref-reviewed%3Ayes+published%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D+count%3A%5B100+TO+-%5D+AND--.rdf.gz

Don't let the small compressed sizes deceive you:

stain@biggiebuntu:~/Downloads/uniprot$ gunzip *

stain@biggiebuntu:~/Downloads/uniprot$ ls -alh
total 675M
-rw-rw-r-- 1 stain stain  78K Jul 25 14:12 uniparc-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 stain stain  23M Jul 25 14:12 uniprot-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 stain stain 213M Jul 25 15:26 uniref-reviewed%3Ayes+published%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D+count%3A%5B100+TO+-%5D+AND--.rdf

Note that you do not need to gunzip these files as Virtuoso can uncompress .gz directly (and newer versions even .xz).

Note that we used the filtering only for demonstration purposes, for instance the above do not include pre-existing entries that have since been modified, and also we only go one month back. The full update with the queries from the wiki page should eventually end up with something like:

-rw-rw-r-- 4 stain stain 2.2G Nov 16  2015 swissprot_20151116.rdf.xml.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 4 stain stain 4.5G Nov 16  2015 uniparc_20151116.rdf.xml.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 4 stain stain 1.3G Nov 16  2015 uniref_20151116.rdf.xml.gz

Dropping the old graph

If we are replacing an existing graph, then we would generally want to DROP GRAPH to remove the old named graph and keep the other graphs which you are not replaced, as doing a full reload of all the sources from RDF can be quite time consuming.

Note that for large graphs as in Open PHACTS, dropping a graph in Virtuoso can also be time consuming (sometimes slower than loading the new graph!) and require a large amount of memory. The Virtuoso FAQ How can I delete graphs containing large numbers of triples from the Virtuoso Quad Store? recommends to do this outside a transaction, e.g. with isql:


For the largest graphs (e.g. chembl, uniprot, goa, surechembl) we recommend you do the DELETE FROM rdf_quad trick to speed up:

DELETE FROM rdf_quad WHERE g = iri_to_id ('');

In this tutorial we will later update the Uniprot graph in-line and so we actually do NOT want to clear that graph, but we'll have a go dropping one of the other graphs as you would normally need to do that to update a single source completely.

Virtuoso is running in a separate Docker container, so we use docker exec -it to start a second isql process within that container:

stain@heater:~/ops-docker$ docker exec -it ops-virtuoso isql
OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b.
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.

(Tip: We need docker exec -it to get a terminal binding for the interactive isql shell. Similarly docker exec -it ops-virtuoso bash would give you a bash shell)

So let's say we find the bioassay datasource to have graph (remember to strip the trailing / in Open PHACTS graph names).

We'll check first how much we'll be deleting (to be sure we got the right graph name):

SQL> SPARQL SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } };
Type the rest of statement, end with a semicolon (;)> ;


The number should roughly match the data sources table. Next we'll delete it:

SQL> log_enable(3,1);
Connected to OpenLink Virtuoso
Driver: 07.20.3215 OpenLink Virtuoso ODBC Driver

Done. -- 1 msec.

Afterwards that particular graph should be empty:

SQL> SPARQL SELECT COUNT(*) WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o } };


1 Rows. -- 2 msec.

Note that checkpoint; is not needed here because we disabled transactions with log_enable(3,1);

For demonstration purposes the above deletes one of the smaller graph, for a graph like Uniprot this could actually take an hour.

Staging the data

Now we need to move the data to be available from within Virtuoso's Docker container. If you have downloaded the files on a different computer, you need to first transfer them to your Open PHACTS server:

    cd ~/Downloads
    mkdir uniprot    
    ls -al uni*gz  # Should just be 3 files made just now

    ssh mkdir -p data
    scp -r uniprot/

The easiest way to load data into Virtuoso with Docker is to use the staging script - which automates using Virtuoso RDF Bulk loading feature (ld_dir and rdf_loader_run).

This script assumes the data to be loaded is in the Docker volume /staging (mapped from the local file system), and that the Virtuoso store is in /virtuoso. A file staging.sql should be in the top-level of the mapped /staging folder.

So in our case the data to load is already in /home/stain/data in the uniprot subfolder:

stain@heater:~/data$ ls -al uniprot/
total 51204
drwxrwxr-x 2 stain stain     4096 Jul 25 14:36 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 stain stain     4096 Jul 25 14:37 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 stain stain    17547 Jul 25 14:36 uniparc-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 stain stain  3156208 Jul 25 14:36 uniprot-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 stain stain 49242276 Jul 25 14:36 uniref-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+published%3A%5B20160706+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz

We'll create our data/staging.sql file by modifying the relevant lines from ops-docker's staging.sql

stain@heater:~/data$ vi staging.sql
ld_dir('/staging/uniprot' , '*.rdf.gz' , '' );

Note that we changed the filename pattern '*.nq.gz' (which is used within the downloads) to '*.rdf.gz' to match our filenames. (If your data is not compressed, don't include .gz here)

Remember that the first parameter is the path within the Docker container, and must start with /staging, as our /home/stain/data folder will appear as /staging within the container.

Tip: Be careful about filename case as Linux is case-sensitive - keeping it lowercase is easiest.

Note: note that most of the graph names used in Open PHACTS do NOT include the trailing /.

Parsing the RDF

Now that our data is ready to be loaded by Virtuoso, we are going to:

  • Shut down ops-virtuoso
  • Run the bulk loading script from our mapped /staging
  • Restart ops-virtuoso
  • Inspect by SPARQ to verify the load was complete
  • Verify the API still works

Important: You must shutdown the running ops-virtuoso instance before we run the staging script. The reason is that the script runs in a separate Docker container and needs full exclusive access to its /virtuoso.

stain@heater:~/data$ sudo docker stop ops-virtuoso

Next we'll start the bulk loading staging script, using the ops-virtuosodata data volume, in addition to the volume /home/stain/data mapped as /staging (read-only).

stain@heater:~/data$ docker run -v /home/stain/data:/staging:ro --volumes-from ops-virtuosodata -it stain/virtuoso
 * Starting Virtuoso Open Source Edition 7.2  virtuoso-opensource-7                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Note that starting Virtuoso might take some time before you should see:

Configuring SPARQL
Populating from /staging/staging.sql
Starting 7 rdf_loader_runs
Starting RDF loader 1
Starting RDF loader 2
Starting RDF loader 3
Starting RDF loader 4
Starting RDF loader 5
Starting RDF loader 6
Starting RDF loader 7
Starting RDF loader 8

The number of loader threads depend on the number of CPU cores, which generally significantly speed up loading, but in this case there's only 3 files, so in effect only three loader threads will be active. If you are preparing another RDF data source for loading with Virtuoso, then it's generally advisable to have many smaller RDF files (e.g. 10 MB each) than a single large file.

While this is loading, we can peek inside to have a look at what's going on in a second window:

stain@heater:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                              NAMES
d3587a04eba5        stain/virtuoso                        "/docker-entrypoint.s"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        1111/tcp, 8890/tcp                 modest_lichterman

root@d3587a04eba5:/virtuoso# ls -alh
total 111G
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  36K Jul 25 13:49 .
drwxr-xr-x 50 root root 4.0K Jul 25 13:49 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    0 Jun 16 15:13 .loaded
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 6.0M Jul 25 13:47 virtuoso-temp.db
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 111G Jul 25 13:49 virtuoso.db
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   12 Jul 25 13:47 virtuoso.lck
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  69K Jul 25 13:52 virtuoso.log
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    0 Jul  4 12:59 virtuoso.pxa
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1022 Jul 25 13:49 virtuoso.trx

We'll inspect the loader status in the DB.DBA.load_list table:

root@d3587a04eba5:~# isql
OpenLink Interactive SQL (Virtuoso), version 0.9849b.
Type HELP; for help and EXIT; to exit.

SQL> select * from DB.DBA.load_list WHERE ll_file LIKE '/staging/uniprot/u%';
ll_file                                                                           ll_graph                                                                          ll_state    ll_started           ll_done              ll_host     ll_work_time  ll_error
VARCHAR NOT NULL                                                                  VARCHAR                                                                           INTEGER     TIMESTAMP            TIMESTAMP            INTEGER     INTEGER     VARCHAR

/staging/uniprot/uniparc-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz                                                           2           2016.7.25 13:49.46 802045000  2016.7.25 13:50.45 238954000  0           NULL        NULL
/staging/uniprot/uniprot-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+created%3A%5B20160601+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz                                                           1           2016.7.25 13:49.46 802045000  NULL                 0           NULL        NULL
/staging/uniprot/uniref-reviewed%3Ayes+AND+published%3A%5B20160706+TO+-%5D.rdf.gz                                                           1           2016.7.25 13:49.46 802591000  NULL                 0           NULL        NULL

3 Rows. -- 5 msec.

The ll_state field can have three values:

  • 0 indicating the data set is to be loaded
  • 1 the data set load is in progress
  • 2 the data set load is complete

adapted from

This table is interesting if you have many larger files, as it shows how far you got, however not how far Virtuoso got by loading a particular file.

If you are bored loading a large set, you can have a look at the triple count, but remember this can also take some time to calculate:

SQL> SPARQL SELECT COUNT (*) WHERE { GRAPH <> { ?s ?p ?o . } } ;

(321875 more than what we started with)

Note that when data loading finishes, the script will force a commit, then shutdown the Virtuoso server, meaning your isql shell will die:

Staging finished, total triples: 2934990243
 * Stopping Virtuoso Open Source Edition 7.2 virtuoso-opensource-7   

(Note that total triples refers to triples across all graphs, including pre-existing data)

Checking the loaded data

Now we that staging has completed we can restart ops-virtuoso:

stain@heater:~/data$ sudo docker restart ops-virtuoso

We'll check the logs to ensure Virtuoso has started again for normal operations:

stain@heater:~/data$ docker logs --follow --tail=20  ops-virtuoso
14:22:54   SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from /usr/lib/virtuoso-opensource-7/hosting/ }
14:22:54 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `/usr/lib/virtuoso-opensource-7/hosting'
14:22:54   IM version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
14:22:54   Support functions for Image Magick 6.7.7
14:22:54   SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from /usr/lib/virtuoso-opensource-7/hosting/ }
14:22:54 OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server
14:22:54 Version 07.20.3215-pthreads for Linux as of Feb 11 2016
14:22:54 uses parts of OpenSSL, PCRE, Html Tidy
14:22:56 Database version 3126
14:22:56 SQL Optimizer enabled (max 1000 layouts)
14:22:57 Compiler unit is timed at 0.000194 msec
14:23:38 Roll forward started
14:24:13     88 transactions, 440200 bytes replayed (100 %)
14:24:13 Roll forward complete
14:24:22 PL LOG: Can't get list of vad packages in /usr/share/virtuoso-opensource-7/vad/
14:24:24 Checkpoint started
14:24:27 Checkpoint finished, log reused
14:24:28 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
14:24:28 Server online at 1111 (pid 1)

Once you see Server online the startup is complete, press Ctrl-C to abort docker logs

Now the equivalent of should be back online, and we can repeat the COUNT query:

    GRAPH <> {
      ?s ?p ?o.

You did write down the old number, right? Now the number should be slightly larger, e.g. in our case we have added 1155915 triples (just 0.10% of Uniprot)

Now as this time we added only new entries, we should be able to query for them. In our filtered Uniprot search we find for instance the newcomer, so let's ask about that.

Note the above URL from the browser using must be rewritten to to match the RDF identifiers instead of the web URIs - this mapping is normally done by the Identity Mapping Service.

As we are not sure, we inspect the RDF files manually as N-Triples using Apache Jena riot to avoid looking directly at RDF/XML without protective eyewear.

stain@heater:~/data/uniprot$ docker run --volume /home/stain/data/uniprot:/rdf  stain/jena riot uniref*rdf.gz | head -n 200 | tail
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A-2 alpha chain" .
<> <> <> .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "true"^^<> .
<> <> "1A02_HUMAN" .
<> <> <> .
<> <> "HLA class I antigen" .

(Notice the use of head and tail above to avoid parsing the whole file)

So let's go a head and ask our SPARQL endpoint on the equivalent of


Which seems to return a lot of (new) data, in a slightly confusing RDF Turtle syntax:

@prefix rdf:	<> .
@prefix ns1:	<> .
@prefix ns2:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdf:type	ns2:Protein .
@prefix rdfs:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:label	"ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 17" .
@prefix ns4:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns4:PF00005 .
@prefix ns5:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns5:Q4H4D7 ,
		<> .
@prefix ns6:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns6:ENSMUST00000039324 .
@prefix ns7:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns7:PTHR19229 .
@prefix ns8:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns8:IPR026082 ,
		ns6:ENSMUST00000121226 ,
		<> ,
		ns8:IPR027417 .
@prefix ns9:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns9:COG1131 ,
		<> .
@prefix ns10:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns10:ENSGT00760000118965 ,
		ns9:KOG0059 ,
		<> .
@prefix ns11:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns11:SSF52540 ,
		<> .
@prefix ns12:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns12:K05643 ,
		<> .
@prefix ns13:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns13:PS00211 .
@prefix ns14:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns14:FICVELI ,
		<> ,
		ns13:PS50893 .
@prefix ns15:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns15:SM00382 .
@prefix ns16:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns16:TF105191 .
@prefix ns17:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns17:EOG7RNJZ8 .
@prefix ns18:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns18:HOG000006613 .
@prefix ns19:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns19:HBG050435 ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		ns8:IPR017871 ,
		<> .
@prefix ns20:	<#> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns20:_45395058393500E ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		ns8:IPR003593 ,
		ns8:IPR003439 ;
	ns2:replaces	ns1:Q4H4D7 ;
	ns2:annotation	<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> .
@prefix ns21:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	ns2:annotation	ns21:FBDFE044E4F64AB6FEB1F4C8C5B751E3396F4D2A0F8B260D4332989932A07CE1ADC9F6BF51278EC26974EB29095CEEB7 ,
		<> ,
		ns21:B04E2A55A2961641EB5B02A3FDC0F38B5BBD393E53AD1B6018861E13A095D7642BA052397637CB897468D193D6CCA6A9 ,
		ns21:AEFE0F039262F337FF92A1B514DE1B4E30BFB4561CC893A75BDAB8AEBD8BFEB03C64D3BB599BA2CF124B485A068307FB ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		ns21:FAC1A58A17EBE51847B3E99E778C4F0E4C19F163209B39362D2D18123175A6116F1AD274598AD23CBE0F9479C31D7965 ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> .
@prefix ns22:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	ns2:annotation	ns22:PRO_0000436476 ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		ns21:CEFB3BCB86FFC6478DB3F354544552FB50A322FDC6C17C4EACBB6809A66D379E1BD77D3D57F00F4CE12E9C73EA8A495D ,
		<> ,
		ns21:ADDEC2EEB89B3187A0AFE96939491721D17131C509DC384CD7EBFEE4C0B50034F5219DEE0577804A1986FC73993A41C4 ,
		ns21:E07E9BD306C58D567AE23DB96F60703D2A30F2A20EA2CB73DBCF411EFDE1621737444AF820FD8F146ED6BC5C39934C94 ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		ns21:C031404D95B96975DD6B3426762B4D576E3831693143F8C3B89218EE1D0C177430A0D532D238024618B96D4A17437D51 ,
		ns21:ABC429598016C103E25EAF3C7FC7D08C215652F0CBF1C2519D94EA109A23FCC0E3183BFCDA23C3B8DCDF0E2D7C792EEF ,
		<> ;
	ns2:attribution	ns20:_4539505839350019 ,
		ns20:_453950583935009C ,
		ns20:_453950583935009A ,
		ns20:_4539505839350098 ,
		ns20:_453950583935006F ,
		ns20:_453950583935004 ,
		ns20:_4539505839350034 ,
		ns20:_4539505839350031 ,
		ns20:_4539505839350021 ,
		ns20:_4539505839350020 ,
		ns20:_4539505839350026 ,
		ns20:_45395058393500A2 ,
		ns20:_45395058393500A0 ,
		ns20:_45395058393500A ,
		ns20:_453950583935009E ,
		ns20:_45395058393500A4 ;
	ns2:citation	<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ;
	ns2:classifiedWith	<> .
@prefix ns23:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	ns2:classifiedWith	ns23:GO_0005524 ,
		<> ,
		ns23:GO_0005783 ,
		ns23:GO_0005789 ,
		ns23:GO_0006638 ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		<> ,
		ns23:GO_0016021 ,
		<> ,
		ns23:GO_0042626 ,
		ns23:GO_0006869 ;
	ns2:conflictingSequence	ns21:D730E6F2413EC2F62297D8E5F6C0BB29DED8A8DA907D804BF35A8EE2A9401D213627728F03BD127825A93C46286565B1 .
@prefix xsd:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	ns2:created	"2016-06-08"^^xsd:date ;
	ns2:encodedBy	ns20:_453950583935001C ;
	ns2:existence	ns2:Evidence_at_Protein_Level_Existence ;
	ns2:isolatedFrom	<> ;
	ns2:mnemonic	"ABCAH_MOUSE" ;
	ns2:modified	"2016-07-06"^^xsd:date ;
	ns2:organism	<> ;
	ns2:proteome	<> ;
	ns2:recommendedName	ns21:FE0BBEED5918A288AB704738089BC2BA1E23AA084909CA65009B3763FB14561C5FB038863522AC41245314F9E9059E75 ;
	ns2:reviewed	"true"^^xsd:boolean .
@prefix ns25:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	ns2:sequence	ns25:E9PX95-1 ;
	ns2:version	"49"^^xsd:int .
@prefix ns26:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	ns2:representativeFor	ns26:UniRef100_E9PX95 ;
	ns2:seedFor	ns26:UniRef100_E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505531370017	ns2:source	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935001	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350010	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350011	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350012	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350013	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350014	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350015	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935001A	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935001B	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350037	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935003A	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935003D	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350040	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350043	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350046	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350049	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935004C	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935004F	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350052	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350055	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350058	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935005B	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935005E	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350061	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350064	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350067	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935006A	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935006D	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935007	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350071	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350074	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350077	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935007A	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935007D	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350080	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350083	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350086	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350089	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935008C	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935008F	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350092	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350095	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350097	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_4539505839350099	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935009B	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935009D	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_453950583935009F	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_45395058393500A1	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_45395058393500A3	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_45395058393500B	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_45395058393500D	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
ns20:_45395058393500F	rdf:subject	ns1:E9PX95 .
@prefix ns27:	<> .
ns27:UPI0000607A3F	ns2:sequenceFor	ns1:E9PX95 .

Testing the API

So now that we know the new URIs are loaded, let's see if the API can recognize it. Just in case you have already tried these in the API before, let's first flush the API's memcache:

stain@heater:~/data/uniprot$ docker restart ops-memcached

Now we think the data loaded should be targets, so let's ask the official Open PHACTS /target API first:

Page Not Found

So we'll rewrite that URL to use our new install:

The first time you run the query it might be slow, but it should eventually return:

<result format="linked-data-api" version="2.0" href="">
<primaryTopic href="">
<exactMatch href=""/>
<molecularWeight datatype="int">196020</molecularWeight>
<inDataset href=""/>
<mass datatype="int">196020</mass>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
<item href=""/>
Promotes cholesterol efflux from sperm which renders sperm capable of fertilization (PubMed:22237709). Has also been shown to decrease levels of intracellular esterified neutral lipids including cholesteryl esters, fatty acid esters and triacylglycerols (PubMed:15810880).
<linkPredicate href=""/>
<extendedMetadataVersion href=""/>
<definition href=""/>

Identity mapping

When we add new data to Open PHACTS, that will usually come with new URIs. One great advantage of the Open PHACTS platform is that it performs identity mapping, so if we ask the Identity Mapping Service (IMS) about - we get also related identifiers including:

This mapping means that any of these URIs can be used instead of the original uniprot URL in the Open PHACTS API calls, e.g. asking /target about genbank:AAA35799 includes the Uniprot information:

<exactMatch href="">
<molecularWeight datatype="int">29424</molecularWeight>
<inDataset href=""/>
<organism href=""/>
<!-- .. -->

But in order for IMS to do this, it needs to be loaded with linksets. Now we have updated the Uniprot RDF data in Virtuoso, but we have not provided new linksets to IMS - let's try with the new identifier - IMS only shows self-mappings:

UniProt Isoform: E9PX95

However we can see in from the earlier DESCRIBE that the Uniprot data include database cross-references, e.g. to Unigene and Ensembl:

ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso
		<> .

@prefix ns6:	<> .
ns1:E9PX95	rdfs:seeAlso	ns6:ENSMUST00000039324 .

Different linksets are downloaded or created in different ways, for instance the mapping from Uniprot to UniGene is loaded from uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz.

Many of our linksets have a corresponding GitHub repository, in this case which has a series of sparql queries together with the resulting linksets void metadata.

Here we will check this out with git, but you could also use the Download ZIP button.

git clone

In this case we can regenerate the unigene linkset by running the uniprot unigene query against our updated SPARQL endpoint on the equivalent of

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX uniprot: <>
	?uniprot_uri rdfs:seeAlso ?unigene_uri
	GRAPH <> {
		?uniprot_uri rdfs:seeAlso ?unigene_uri .
		?unigene_uri uniprot:database <> .

We'll save the result into our ops-uniprot-linksets/data folder, deleting the old uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz.

We'll need to compress it to gzip.

Next we should be good metadata curators and update the corresponding VoID - the changes should be something like

pav:createdBy <> ;
pav:createdOn "2015-11-17T17:00:23Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
pav:version "2016_07";
dcterms:description "Linkset relating Uniprot entries to UniGene, generated by querying Uniprot KB (2016_07)" ;
void:triples "104567"^^xsd:integer .

The most important statements in here for loading is dul:expresses and void:linkPredicate - but unless we change the query we should not need to modify these.

To update void:triples we need to count them in the linkset. One way is to rewrite the query to a COUNT(*):

PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX uniprot: <>

	GRAPH <> {
		?uniprot_uri rdfs:seeAlso ?unigene_uri .
		?unigene_uri uniprot:database <> .

To simplify loading, the void info can be added to the top or bottom of the Turtle file, we'll use the shell script to do that.

stain@BIGGIE:/mnt/d/src/ops-uniprot-linksets$ sh
gzip: data/uniprot_ipi.ttl.gz: No such file or directory
gzip: data/uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz: No such file or directory

Uups! Oh, what went wrong? We don't care about the ipi linkset, but unigene is ours.. let's see:

stain@BIGGIE:/mnt/d/src/ops-uniprot-linksets$ ls data
uniprot_ensembl.ttl.gz  uniprot_mgi.ttl.gz   uniprot_refseq.ttl.gz  uniprot-unigene.ttl.gz

Ah, we got the filename wrong..

cd data
mv uniprot-unigene.ttl.gz uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz


stain@BIGGIE:/mnt/d/src/ops-uniprot-linksets$ ./
gzip: data/uniprot_ipi.ttl.gz: No such file or directory

stain@BIGGIE:/mnt/d/src/ops-uniprot-linksets$ ls -al merged/*unigene*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 817521 Jul 28 12:49 merged/uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz

So we'll move it to the server:

stain@BIGGIE:/mnt/d/src/ops-uniprot-linksets$ scp merged/uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz's password:
uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz                                                                               100%  798KB 798.4KB/s   00:00

OK, next we'll do the data loading for the ops-ims Docker image. This is actually backed by the ops-mysql database, which can be updated with a IMS data loading script

Note that we do not need to shutdown ops-ims while adding to the database.

While the loader script can load over http, e.g. from for the production linksets, in this case we want to load it from file:///.

In our data/ folder, make a new file load.xml containing:


Now we'll prepare the linksets/ folder. Note that the loader script does not support .gz when loading locally, so we'll have to unpack the .ttl.gz:

stain@heater:~$ mkdir -p data/linksets
stain@heater:~/data/linksets$ cd data/linksets

stain@heater:~/data/linksets$ mv ../uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz .

stain@heater:~/data/linksets$ gunzip uniprot_unigene.ttl.gz

stain@heater:~/data/linksets$ ls -al
total 6860
drwxrwxr-x 2 stain stain    4096 Jul 25 17:01 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 stain stain    4096 Jul 25 17:00 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 stain stain 7015594 Jul 25 16:58 uniprot_unigene.ttl

Now we should be ready to load according to the queryExpander docker image instructions, substituting ops-mysql and the equivalent of /home/stain/data. Note that we have to say file:///staging/load.xml as /home/stain/data/load.xml will appear under the /staging folder within the Docker container.

docker run --link ops-mysql:mysql -v /home/stain/data:/staging openphacts/identitymappingservice loader file:///staging/load.xml

This will output a fair bit of log messages while the URL patterns in the mySQL database is updated (if needed):

FullName mismatch for M BridgeDb has MGI while miriam uses Mouse Genome Database
Regex patterns do not match for was ^((AC|AP|NC|NG|NM|NP|NR|NT|NW|XM|XP|XR|YP|ZP)_\d+|(NZ\_[A-Z]{4}\d+))(\.\d+)?$ but BridgeBD has ^(NC|AC|NG|NT|NW|NZ|NM|NR|XM|XR|NP|AP|XP|ZP)_\d+$
FullName mismatch for Tb BridgeDb has TubercuList while miriam uses MycoBrowser tuberculosis
Alternative mismatch for Tb BridgeDb has TubercuList while miriam uses MycoBrowser tuberculosis
Regex patterns do not match for was ^Rv\d{4}(A|B|c)?$ but BridgeBD has Rv\d{4}(A|B|c|\.\d)?
FullName mismatch for Gg BridgeDb has Gramene Genes DB while miriam uses Gramene genes
Alternative mismatch for Gg BridgeDb has Gramene Genes while miriam uses Gramene genes
Loaded file using CATALINA_HOME from /usr/local/tomcat/conf/BridgeDb/

And then finally:

Load 1 linksets plus their transdatives

Now that the linkset has been loaded, let's have a look again at the UniGene mappings - which now include a new mapping set from file:///staging/linksets/uniprot_unigene.ttl

Tip: Obviously this file:///staging source URL won't work outside the IMS Docker container - to fix this you can put the linksets on your own http server or GitHub and use http:// urls in load.xml instead)

And now let's see if includes our new Uniprot identifier E9PX95:

Ensembl ENSMUSG00000035435

This mean that we should now be able to use UniGene Mm.328842 as an identifier to /target, which does not work with the 2.1 API:

404 Page not found

But which our updated API now can find Uniprot properties for:

<primaryTopic href="">
<exactMatch href="">
<molecularWeight datatype="int">196020</molecularWeight>
<inDataset href=""/>
<mass datatype="int">196020</mass>
<!-- .. -->

BTW, we saw in the IMS mapping there was also the ensembl ENSMUSG00000035435 ID, but have a look at

Uniprot-TrEMBL E9PX95 Found in mappingSet/113

That mappingSet 113 is not the new one we just added, but Ensembl_Mm_uniprot.inferred_from_translation.LS.ttl.gz - so this means by loading the RDF data we have activated a "dormant" identity mapping from Ensembl:

404 Not Found

Compared to:

What's next?

As you see there are still many manual steps in a data update. Some of these can be automated, but things like updating queries and checking linksets still requires manual work. However it would be good to have this process more reproducible and

We have been working towards an automated way to update a dataset for Open PHACTS, using Apache Maven and a data-maven-plugin - which we use to populate a Maven repository on

Let's have a quick look on how the Chembl dataset can be updated to Chembl 21.0:

git clone
cd ops-chembl-rdf
git checkout data-plugin
mvn clean install
[INFO] --- wagon-maven-plugin:1.0:download (download-rdf) @ chembl-rdf ---
[INFO] Scanning remote file system: ...
[INFO] Downloading to D:\src\ops-chembl-rdf\target\classes\data\chembl-rdf\cco.ttl.gz ...
[INFO] Downloading to D:\src\ops-chembl-rdf\target\classes\data\chembl-rdf\chembl_20.1_activity.ttl.gz ...

So this takes care of the download and packaging for us. Updating this is usually quite easy, just edit pom.xml to change the version numbers:


Looking at we see that 21.0 is the latest version. We'll change the chembl.version property:


As well as the version of the packaged data archive:


Tip: We can increase the third patch digit .0 if we are improving the packaging of an existing upstream version.

We working towards making the data archives be valid Research Objects for propagation of provenance metadata, and to automate downloading and loading of a set of such data archives into the Open PHACTS platform.