To install: cd website; npm install
To run locally: npm start
To build: npm run build
To publish (to GIT_USER=username npm run publish-gh-pages
- Docs
- Get Involved (Opportunities)
- About us (Team, Contact)
- News
- GitHub
- Slack
- News
- Publications
- Project Board
- Emilia
Landing page (basically) consists of the following CSS classes:
- fixedHeaderContainer: for the navbar.
- homeContainer: for the first section under the navbar. Defines background, color, text-align.
- mainContainer: for the remainder of the page until the footer. Defines: background, flex, font-size.
- nav-footer: defines footer.
For each of the sections following the first section (homeContainer), the CSS consists of the following:
Pick one of "container" or "productShowcaseSection". These are two classes which exist to support contextual redefinition of other properties via additional CSS classes. So, "container padding-bottom" could be different from "productShowcaseSection padding-bottom".
lightBackground and darkBackground.