0.25.0 (2022-10-17)
editor/subscriber: Added plugin for Subscriber Logical Nodes (GOOSE/SMV) (#1036 ) (971f0c1 )
editor/subscriber: Show counter for Subscriber Plugins (Logical Nodes / Later) (GOOSE/SMV) (#1040 ) (02ec714 )
editor/subscriber: Subscribe and unsubscribe for Subscriber Logical Nodes (GOOSE/SMV) (#1039 ) (1c55aed )
editors/communication: add GSE and SMV editor type elements (#1021 ) (81487c1 )
filter-button: Added option to disable filter button (205449b )
filtered-list: Add ? and * wildcards to filtered-search, closes #1006 . (#1007 ) (48ef7ea )
wizard/connectedap: auto create GSE and SMV elements (#1019 ) (984652a )
Bug Fixes
editors/later-binding: Resolve absent prefix in ExtRef for later binding subscription (#1026 ) (31fd177 ), closes #1005
editors/subscriber-later-binding: Add GOOSE icon to later binding editor, closes #1017 (#1022 ) (49e9007 )
menu/importieds: allow import to new projects (#1012 ) (216226c )
You can’t perform that action at this time.