Releases: opensciencegrid/hosted-ce-tools
Releases · opensciencegrid/hosted-ce-tools
v1.0-4: Merge pull request #25 from mwestphall/SOFTWARE-5131-perl-dependency
SOFTWARE-5131 perl dependency
What's Changed
- Add cvmfsexec-osg-wrapper and make-cvmfsexec-tarball by @matyasselmeci in #13
- Allow specifying which CVMFS repos to mount in cvmfsexec-osg-wrapper by @matyasselmeci in #14
- cvmfsexec-osg-wrapper should use cvmfsexec where available (SOFTWARE-4950) by @matyasselmeci in #15
- cvmfsexec-osg-wrapper: take cvmfsexec from tarball by @matyasselmeci in #16
- Add timeout to cvmfsexec smoke test by @matyasselmeci in #17
Full Changelog: v0.9...v0.11
- Fixes a reversed test in update-all-remote-wn-clients which caused the script to exit 1 if everything succeeded.