Openscoring client library for the Google Apps platform
- Start the script editor by clicking Tools -> Script Editor... (spreadsheet window)
- Create a blank script project.
- Create a new script file by clicking File -> New -> Script file (script editor window).
- Copy and paste the contents of the [ file] ( to this newly created script file.
- Open the default script file "". Write a wrapper function for every model that you want to use in your spreadsheet application. Close the script editor when done.
- Reference wrapper functions by name in your spreadsheet application.
Typical responsibilities of a wrapper function:
- Documentation ([JSDoc] ( data format).
- Encapsulating the URL of the model.
- Binding input cell values to active field values.
- Binding the target field value to the output cell value.
Defining a wrapper function for the DecisionTreeIris.pmml
* @param sepalLength The length of sepals, in centimetres
* @param sepalWidth The width of sepals, in centimetres
* @param petalLength The length of petals, in centimetres
* @param petalWidth The width of petals, in centimetres
* @return {string} The species of Iris
function decisionTreeIris(sepalLength, sepalWidth, petalLength, petalWidth){
// A map containing active fields
var arguments = {
"Sepal.Length" : sepalLength,
"Sepal.Width" : sepalWidth,
"Petal.Length" : petalLength,
"Petal.Width" : petalWidth
// A map containing target and output fields
var result = evaluate("", arguments);
return result["Species"];
Referencing this wrapper function:
=decisionTreeIris(A2, B2, C2, D2)
Openscoring is dual-licensed under the [GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.0] ( and a commercial license.
Please contact [] (