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Sebastian edited this page Jan 13, 2023 · 6 revisions

About this wiki

This wiki contains documentation for OpenSRP Native form from version 3.x

What is OpenSRP Native form

OpenSRP Native form is a form builder library used to generate android views using JSON form specification.


Below are the features provided by this library.

  • OpenMRS form metadata defination
  • OpenMRS concept mappings in JSON
  • View generation. Currently supports the generation of the following widgets (EditText, RadioButtons, Spinner, NumberSelector, DatePicker, MaterialEditText, Barcode, Checkbox, Buttons, CountDownTimer, TimePicker, ExpansionPanel, FingerPrint, GPS, ImagePicker, ImageView,Label, MultiSelectList, RDTcapture, RepeatingGroup, Section, ToasterNotes, TreeView, OptiBP Widget)
  • Calculations - handling calculation on fields
  • Skip Logic/Relevance - hiding and showing of views depending on particular conditions
  • View validation - validating values
  • Multi Language Support - Allowing localization in the JSON forms

Note:- It uses Easy Rules, rules engine library to handle skip logic and calculations.


Contributions to OpenSRP Native form are are welcomed. Kindly create an issue for the bug fix or new feature you are adding/want added