Added integration with OpenWISP Monitoring to generate WiFi mesh network topology .
Added WireGuard topology parser and integration with OpenWISP Controller
Added ZeroTier topology parser and integration with OpenWISP Controller
Implemented real-time updates for topologies
Added autocomplete support for filters in the admin interface
Added filters to the REST API.
Moved REST API topology collection database writes to a background worker
Hid the "receive_url" field in TopologyAdmin
when adding a topology
Bumped openwisp-users~=1.1.0
Bumped netdiff~=1.1.0
Bumped django-flat-json-widget~=0.3.0
Bumped openwisp-utils[celery]~=1.1.0
Added support for Django 4.1.x
and 4.2.x
Added support for Python 3.10
Dropped support for Python 3.7
Dropped support for Django 3.0.x
and 3.1.x
Fixed visualizer issues in both admin and non-admin interfaces
Fixed changing status of link from admin page
Resolved graph visualizer issue for unpublished topologies in admin
User need to have required model permissions to perform admin actions
You can’t perform that action at this time.