PDF/Eh? - A JavaFX GUI wrapper for Apache PDFBox Preflight & a Good Excuse(tm) to use Java 7.
NOTE: this project is currently a proof-of-concept and was coded at a SPRUCE Developers' Workshop. It is highly likely to do unexpected things/crash/eat your lunch
Details can be found here: http://www.openplanetsfoundation.org/blogs/2013-03-15-pdf-eh-another-hackathon-tale
To compile you need the following installed:
- Apache Maven
- Oracle JDK7 (this includes JavaFX) - OpenJDK7 will not work as it does not include JavaFX
On the command line issue the following commands to compile the jar:
- cd pdfeh/
- mvn clean jfx:jar
Now that the jar is compiled you can run it by issuing the following commands:
- cd target/jfx/app
- java -jar pdfeh3F-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jfx.jar