In this Project, we will illustrate a simple practical example of using the parking lot pattern with Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC). The example will use Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) database for a parking lot table.
Refer to the blog - OIC Advanced Error Handling , for a detailed discussion of the Integration design pattern and solution.
The repository provides the OIC sample integrations and ATP scripts required for the implementation described in the blog.
- Download the IAR files (within zip archives) from the latest releases and import into target OIC environment
- Configure the required connections and activate the integrations
- Download the parking lot table creation DDL script file and execute on target database.
- Refer to the blog - OIC Advanced Error Handling , for more detailed instructions
Figure below shows the high level design of solution using OIC flows and ATP DB for parking lot table. The OIC solution use Persister, Dispatcher and Processor flows.
The Parking Lot pattern here uses an ATP table to store request metadata and status information. The OIC Flows in the design are
- Request Persister
- Scheduled Dispathcer
- Async Processor
Parking lot table creation DDL script for sample
- Request Persister (SR_REQUESTPER_ATP_01.00.0000.iar)
- Scheduled Dispatcher (SR_SCHEDULEDDISPATC_01.00.0000.iar)
- Async Processor (SR_ASYNC_PROCESSOR_01.00.0000.iar)
Download the IAR files from this project and import into target OIC environment. Configure the required connections before activation
Sample json file for a simple account creation request
XSD schema file used for persisting json payload into Db parking lot table using Stage file
Refer to the blog - OIC Advanced Error Handling , for a detailed discussion of the Integration design pattern and solution.
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