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License Twitter: OWallet


OWallet: Universal gateway to Web3 in single native wallet

OWallet supports all web3 activities on most common liqudity networks, which are

  • Bitcoin
  • EVM-based: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Oasis / Oasis Sapphire
  • Cosmos-based: Oraichain, Osmosis, Injective, Cosmos Hub...
  • TVM-based: TRON network

OWallet’s key features

  • Supports multiple accounts Bitcoin & Cosmos-based & EVM-based networks simultaneously
  • Universal swap across various networks
  • Portfolio management with cross-chain assets: Multi accounts, Send/Recieve, Price history...
  • History of on-chain activities
  • Friendly interface on transaction confirmation

Technical Overview

Context Level


Core Components Level


On-chain History Backend Design


Technical inquiries

You can create a pull request to add your network

Install guide

  1. Git clone this repo to desired directory
git clone
  1. Install required packages
  1. Build necessary packages
yarn build:libs
  1. Build provider
cd packages/mobile && yarn build:provider
  1. Install Pod for iOS
cd packages/mobile/ios && pod install
  1. Run it

Get into packages/mobile and run

  • iOS
yarn ios
  • Android
yarn android

Chain integration

Chain config

Property Type Function
rpc string RPC of a blockchain
rest string LCD of a blockchain
chainId string Chain ID
chainName string Chain Name
networkType string Network Type ("cosmos" or "evm"): To declare whether the network is Cosmos-based or Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-based
stakeCurrency {coinDenom: string, coinMinimalDenom: string, coinDecimals: number, coinGeckoId: string, coinImageUrl: string, gasPriceStep: { low: number, average: number, high: number}} Native stake currency
bip44 { coinType: number} Bip44 config
coinType number The coin type is usually 118 for Cosmos, 60 for EVM
bech32Config Bech32Address.defaultBech32Config(string) Config for bech32 address
currencies Array<Currency> Currencies of the chain
feeCurrencies Array<Currency> Fee currencies of the chain
features Array<Currency> To declare what features this chain have(ex: ["ibc-transfer", "cosmwasm")])
chainSymbolImageUrl string Chain symbol image URL
txExplorer {name: string, txUrl: string, accountUrl: string} Transaction explorer config

How to add a chain into OWallet?

  1. Clone this repo to desired directory
git clone
  1. Checkout to main
git checkout main
  1. Checkout to new branch
git checkout -b feat/add-new-chain-config
  1. Create PR into main

If your chain needs to use special packages, please consider taking a look at the [](Packages Usage) section to learn how to implement your chain into OWallet


    rpc: "",
    rest: "",
    chainId: "0x01",
    chainName: "Ethereum",
    bip44: {
      coinType: 60,
    coinType: 60,
    stakeCurrency: {
      coinDenom: "ETH",
      coinMinimalDenom: "eth",
      coinDecimals: 18,
      coinGeckoId: "ethereum",
      gasPriceStep: {
        low: 1,
        average: 1.25,
        high: 1.5,
    bech32Config: Bech32Address.defaultBech32Config("evmos"),
    networkType: "evm",
    currencies: [
        coinDenom: "ETH",
        coinMinimalDenom: "eth",
        coinDecimals: 18,
        coinGeckoId: "ethereum",
        coinDenom: "OCH",
          "erc20:0x19373EcBB4B8cC2253D70F2a246fa299303227Ba:OCH Token",
        contractAddress: "0x19373EcBB4B8cC2253D70F2a246fa299303227Ba",
        coinDecimals: 18,
        coinGeckoId: "och",
        coinDenom: "ORAI",
          "erc20:0x4c11249814f11b9346808179cf06e71ac328c1b5:Oraichain Token",
        contractAddress: "0x4c11249814f11b9346808179cf06e71ac328c1b5",
        coinDecimals: 18,
        coinGeckoId: "oraichain-token",
        coinDenom: "ORAIX",
          "erc20:0x2d869aE129e308F94Cc47E66eaefb448CEe0d03e:ORAIX Token",
        contractAddress: "0x2d869aE129e308F94Cc47E66eaefb448CEe0d03e",
        coinDecimals: 18,
        coinGeckoId: "oraidex",
        coinImageUrl: "",
    get feeCurrencies() {
      return [this.stakeCurrency];

    features: ["ibc-go", "stargate", "isEvm"],
    txExplorer: {
      name: "Etherscan",
      txUrl: "{txHash}",
      accountUrl: "{address}",


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.



 * Copyright 2022 Oraichain Labs Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at


 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *   limitations under the License.

 * The repository (this work) includes work covered by the following copyright and permission notices:
 *    Copyright 2020 Chainapsis, Inc
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
 * NOTICE: The source code branch of Chainapsis Inc. under Apache 2.0 license:

Full text: LICENSE.txt