minimal webgl library demo
MiniGL is a library to facilitate WebGL consisting of two files:
minigl.js contains necessities to set up a program. It works similar to TWGL.js but stripped down to a few features. glview.js provides a driver class to set up and run programs. Depending on the parameters, programs can override defaults, be given backbuffers or other targets, chained together, or integrated with dat.gui.
constructor: (canvas, pgms, res, fps, gui, guiobj)
types: el
, {}/[]
, [w, h]/null
, int
, dat.gui obj
, optional obj
const glview = new Glview(canvas, pgm, [600,600], 0, gui, mainctl); //or
const glview = new Glview(canvas, pgm);
If pgms
is an array of objects and dat.gui is used, a selector control will be added to the gui.
If res
is defined the canvas will be resized otherwise its dimensions will be used.
If fps
> 0 the framerate will be limited below the default refresh rate.
is a dat.gui object, guiobj
is for optional controls not specific to any pgm.
methods: start()
, stop()
, frame(time)
, switchProgram(index)
import Glview from './glview.js';
const fs = `#version 300 es
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
out vec4 fragColor;
void main(){
vec3 c = cos(time+gl_FragCoord.xyx*.002*vec3(0,2,3))*.5+.5;
fragColor = vec4(c, 1);
const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
const glview = new Glview(canvas, {fs: fs});
Available properties: vs, fs, uniforms, arrays, chain, gui, textures, targets, drawMode, setupcb, rendercb, draw, clearColor, clear, on
const pgm = {
fs: fs,
light_angle: [.3,-.3, -1],
num: 8,
points: pointsArray
setupcb: setup,
rendercb: render,
targets: {
texture: true,
renderbuffer: true
gui: gui
A template object provides defaults for any property not present in a program. An empty object would display a default shader to the viewport. For shader art the fs
and uniforms
fields alone will suffice. Available settings are explained below:
Program Options:
vs: vertex shader string
fs: fragment shader string
uniforms: key : value pairs to set uniforms in the shader program
arrays: sets buffer data. The attribute position
creates a vao, indices
creates an index buffer. Any other name creates a vertex buffer. Data can be interleaved into a buffer with other attributes referring to it by name example. If an empty object is specified no buffers will be created and the last bound vao is used.
chain: array of programs to draw successively. This can assigned to an object in the main file where others are imported. Chained programs will not clear the canvas unless specified.
gui: object specifying gui controls. In a chain each program's gui will be added to the gui interface of the active parent program. For usage and options see the section below.
textures: array of texture objects. The fields are: src
: image path (or array). uniform
: uniform name for setting correct texture unit. type
: defaults to TEXTURE_2D
can also be used. min
, mag
: min/mag filters default to LINEAR
. wrap_s
, wrap_t
: wrap settings default to REPEAT
. wrap
: parameter for both. mipmap
: generate mipmap. If only src
is provided, the file will load a 2D texture with default settings.
targets: specifies additional render targets. Setting either of two targets to true
will populate an object in its place. Glview will use a corresponding draw function. texture
creates a texture target in addition to the canvas to be used by other programs. If both texture
and renderbuffer
targets are set to true
, a backbuffer will be set up.
drawMode: the draw mode to use: i.e TRIANGLES
setupcb: callback registered to be called on init. This is passed the program itself which has a ctl
field referencing the glview object. This can be used to setup custom geometry before buffers are created or for any other setup task.
rendercb: callback running before each frame. It is passed the program object after the time and mouse uniforms have been updated.
draw: If set, this is used as a custom draw function instead of the defaults here. This could be set in setupcb for access to the gl context or minigl object.
clearColor: defaults to [0,0,0,0]
clear: this could be used by chained programs meant use a texture target instead of blending over the canvas.
on: Toggles the program. Intended to be used by the GUI.
Gui objects have the following properties:
: str, open
: bool, updateFrame
: bool, switch
: bool, fields
: array
is an array of objects specifying controls with the format:
(name) : initial value,
min : min value (opt),
max : max value (opt),
step : step value (opt),
onChange : function
If min and max are not present, the control will be an input field, checkbox, or button depending on the initial value type (number/string, boolean, function)
The most common use of onChange is to set the program object's uniform values:
onChange: (v)=>{ prog.uniforms.a = v; }
A shorthand format can replace the min, max, step fields if the initial value is an array:
alpha: [.5, 0, 1, .01],
onChange: v => {prog.uniforms.alpha = v;}
An object in fields
can itself be a gui object with its own fields
property, meaning you can recursively nest folders.
The name
property of the gui object sets the folder name that controls in fields
are children of. open
sets whether the folder is open by default. updateFrame
will make GLview render a frame when a control is changed if the render loop is stopped. switch
adds a toggle to disable the program using the gui.
const gui = {
name: 'wave',
open: true,
updateFrame: true,
fields: [
amp: 1,
min: .5,
max: 5,
step: .1,
onChange: (v)=>{
prog.uniforms.amp = v;
lightx: [.2,0,1,.1],
onChange: v => {prog.uniforms.light[0] = v;}
lighty: [.5,0,1,.1],
onChange: v => {prog.uniforms.light[1] = v;}
invert: false,
onChange: (v)=>{
prog.uniforms.invert = +v;
name: 'hsv',
open: false,
updateFrame: true,
fields: [
h: [.7, 0, 1, .01],
onChange: v => {
hsv[0] = v;
prog.uniforms.c = hsv2rgb(...hsv);
s: [.8, 0, 1, .01],
onChange: v => {
hsv[1] = v;
prog.uniforms.c = hsv2rgb(...hsv);
v: [.5, 0, 1, .01],
onChange: v => {
hsv[2] = v;
prog.uniforms.c = hsv2rgb(...hsv);