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Shaurita D. Hutchins sdhutchins
Graduate Student Trainee at UAB. Genetics, Genomics, & Bioinformatics. Current lab: @uab-cgds-worthey. Former lab: @vallenderlab.

@uab-cgds-worthey, @datasnakes, @informaticsclub, @bham-rug Birmingham, AL

Mingkee Achom miachom
Research Fellow | Genomics & Computational Biology

Dana Farber Cancer Institute - Harvard Medical School United States

Antoine A. Ruzette antoineruzette
Computational modelling and everything-bioimage analysis. Computational Biologist @harvard @HMS-IAC @megasonlab.

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA

Ye Hyacinth Meng HyacinthMeng
Life is beautiful---点燃生命之火、纵享丰富人生; Research fileds:Immunology 、Molecular biology、Statistic、Computational Biology
wang minjie perlatex
R, Tidyverse, Tidymodels and Stan

sichuan normal universtiy

Aruan Boritiyça Silva aruan-silva
Data Analysis and Data Engineering


kuisu kuisu-GDUT
ML, Deep learning, CV, R

GDUT Chian guangzhou

Laha Ale ainilaha
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Eren erenada
Ph.D., Bioinformatics Scientist

Harvard Medical School, Department of Immunology Boston

Matthew Cioffi cioffi
Dept Data Manager for Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School. Coding in SAS, R, & Stata. Also use HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and WordPress

Harvard Medical School - Health Care Policy Boston, MA, USA

Marcel Ramos Pérez LiNk-NY
Sr. Data Scientist @ CUNY School of Public Health: Waldron Lab & Bioconductor Core Team Member / R 📦 dev

@waldronlab @Bioconductor @tempuslabs New York City, NY

Michael Kaufman MLKaufman
Research Instructor | Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Resource | University of Colorado Cancer Center at CU Anschutz

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Aurora, Colorado

Marouen marouenbg
Computer scientist by phenotype.
Abdul Saboor Khan Abdubidopsis

University of Cologne Cologne

Tyrone Lee lee-t

Harvard Medical School