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WGS GuangShuaiWang


Akash Bahai akashbahai
Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, and Computational Structural Biology

@LKCMed Singapore

Charlotte Würtzen Charlotte-Wurtzen
PhD student at the University of Oslo

University of Oslo Oslo, Norway

Julie Maria Johansen JulieMariaJ
MSc Eng Bioinformatics and Systems Biology student at Technical University of Denmark

Technical University of Denmark Denmark

Kelvin Mpofu mpofukelvintafadzwa
I am a scientist who enjoys working on a wide range of projects from scientific to machine learning to cryptocurrency projects.

Durban, South Africa


University of Lausanne, Ludwig center for cancer research Lausanne, Switzerland

Yat-tsai Richie Wan richieYT-wan
MSc. Graduate in bioengineering from EPFL. PhD Candidate in ImmunoInformatics at DTU Health Tech Interested in cancer research and machine learning.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Jonas Birkelund Nilsson JonasNilsson1
PhD student in the Immunoinformatics and Machine Learning group at DTU