setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc6_amd64_gcc481
cmsrel CMSSW_7_1_5
cd CMSSW_7_1_5/src
git clone --branch v5.0.2 HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
scramv1 b clean
# always first clean then compile
scramv1 b -j 8
mkdir CombinedEWKAnalysis
git clone CombinedEWKAnalysis
source CombinedEWKAnalysis/CommonTools/setup/
scramv1 b -j 8
git clone
Now go the path CombinedEWKAnalysis/CommonTools/data/anomalousCoupling
and remove all root files.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/CombinedEWKAnalysis/CommonTools/data/anomalousCoupling
rm *.root
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
Next, move the fit.C, config file and resubmit file to respective places... to the above path
bash LimitSettingTool/
Before run put the input root files to path
. -
The lastest version of root file can be grabbed from
. -
Copy the root file from the path given above into path
Then to fit the signal root file run
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/CombinedEWKAnalysis/CommonTools/data/anomalousCoupling/ root -l -b -q fit.C
To run the fit.C
check if the input root file name is appropriate. We are fitting signal here because fitting is dependent on the CMSSW version. And our signal extraction part is in CMSSW_8X while this limit tool we are running on CMSSW_7_1_5.
After fit in the previous steps the root file that we have now looks like:
ch1_splitted_TF1_WV.root ch1_splitted_TF1_WV_NoBinbyBin.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm0.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm1.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm6.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm7.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hfs0.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hfs1.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hft0.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hft1.root ch1_splitted_TF1_hft2.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm0.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm1.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm6.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hfm7.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hft0.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hft1.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hft2.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hfs0.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hfs1.root
The next steps need two files. They are
. -
There are total of nine parameters. They are fm0, fm1, fm6, fm7, ft0, ft1, ft2, fs0 and fs1. We need to run next steps nine times for each parameters.
If we are calculating limits for
then we need to do:cp ch1_splitted_TF1_hfs0.root ch1_splitted_TF1.root cp signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1_hfs0.root signal_proc_ch1_splitted_TF1.root
We need to do the same for all others.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/CombinedEWKAnalysis/CommonTools/test # prepare config file config_TF1_wv_plain python --config=config_TF1_wv_plain -m 126 aC_ch1_splitted_TF1.txt -o Example_test.root -P CombinedEWKAnalysis.CommonTools.ACModel:par1_TF1_Model --PO channels=ch1_splitted_TF1 --PO poi=hfs0 --PO range_hfs0=-5,5 combine Example_test.root -M MultiDimFit -P hfs0 --floatOtherPOIs=0 --algo=grid --points=10000 --minimizerStrategy=2 -t -1 --expectSignal=1 python -5.0 5.0 higgsCombineTest.MultiDimFit.mH120.root hfs0
find . | xargs grep -l "Traceback (most recent call last)" | awk '{print "rm "$1}' >
sed -i '/rasharma/d' *.stdout
sed -i '/inversion of matrix fails/d' *.stdout
sed -i '/Minimization did NOT converge/d' *.stdout
or, ```sh sed -E -i '/rasharma|inversion of matrix fails|Minimization did NOT converge/d' *.stdout
grep "95% CL Limit" *.stdout | grep "U" | awk -F ":" '{print "mv "$1" union/"}' >
- There are two input root files.
- First one corresponds to the aQGC parameter.
- Second one corresponds to the all the shape systematics for all backgrounds
- There is a naming convention for the two input root file:
- File name convention for aQGC signal:
- For another file naming convention should be just
- File name convention for aQGC signal:
- Note the channel_name from naming convention of the root file. It should be same in the two input root files.
- Selected range for the parameters under calculation should not be too large.
find . | xargs grep -l "Traceback (most recent call last)" | awk '{print "rm "$1}' >
sed -i '/rasharma/d' *.stdout
sed -i '/ list index out of range/d' *.stdout
sed -i '/inversion of matrix fails/d' *.stdout
awk 'BEGIN { for (i=4.80; i<12.0; i+=0.025) print i}' | xargs | sed -e 's/ /, /g'