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You made it! This wiki is for #osoc21 participants only – no need to share this with anyone else ❤ It serves as a map through the second remote edition of open summer of code.


You made it, we're so happy you are here!

{% hint style="success" %} We want this to be the best summer job ever for you. And we'll do our utter best to make that happen. Visit our code of conduct to see what's at our core to make this happen – and what best practices we have, also for remote editions. {% endhint %}

"What project will I be building this year?"

Find your name on the Projects & Partners overview ****page and discover what you and your team will do by clicking the partner name. Get to know them on Discord!

Can't wait, and want to prep in the meantime? Study the resources!

Join us on Discord, and get to know everyone ❤

For this second fully remote edition, we hang out in Discord. Come say hi, we'd love to welcome you!

After you’ve created an account, please carefully read Miet's how-to-get-started message in the #welcome channel. All of you will be tagged in the specific Discord channel for your project.

{% hint style="success" %} Everyone is on the server! If you want someone to join, give @Miet a heads up 😘 {% endhint %}

Be there on Monday 09:00 sharp

We'd like to ask you to be online (on Discord) between 08:30 and 09:00 on Monday 5 July. At 9:00 sharp we’ll start with our opening presentation.

The first day is mainly an introduction day to get to know your teammates, coach, project and other teams. Many of you are new to open summer of code and that makes it super exciting.

Look at the calendar to discover what we'll be doing in the next days.

Invite Your Friends to the Demo Day

Tell your friends and family to block their agenda on Thursday 29 July (13:00 to 16:00).

On the last day of #osoc21, we’re going to present our projects to the general public! Our Demo Day will take place via live streaming and will be open to everyone.

Got Lost, have Questions?

  • Team Questions – head over to projects and see what the name of your team is, where they hang out in Discord and ask your coach what's up!
  • Design, development, mapping, or other specific questions, go to the H E L P section in Discord & ask your question in one of the respective channels!
    • #design, #development, #mapping, ...
    • For specific design questions, contact Niels on Discord Niels#0264
    • For technical support, read this technical support overview by Jonathan!
  • Coaching questions, go to the #coaches-councillors channel on Discord or contact Miet on Discord Miet#7556.
  • Organisational and administrative questions, contact Astrid on Discord Astrid#2809, or mail****

{% hint style="info" %} 🚧 This wiki is always under construction — if something is missing or wrong, please contact us at; and we'll make sure to fix it. 🚧 {% endhint %}