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Lift drag

Louise Poubel edited this page Nov 5, 2021 · 2 revisions


LRAUV control surfaces:

Property Description Value
area Surface area of the link. 122 cm^2 for one fin.
a0 The initial "alpha" or initial angle of attack. a0 is also the y-intercept of the alpha-lift coefficient curve. 0.0 degrees
cla The ratio of the coefficient of lift and alpha slope before stall. Slope of the first portion of the alpha-lift coefficient curve. C_{L\alpha} = 4.13 (alpha in radians)
cda The ratio of the coefficient of drag and alpha slope before stall. The coefficient of drag at alpha =0 is 0.03. The ratio drag/aoa is given below. Please see Coeffs.png. C_{D\alpha} = .04/.2 = .2 (alpha in radians)
cp Center of pressure. The forces due to lift and drag will be applied here. (3.7, 7.9) cm as shown in the attached diagram OriginalFin.png. This moves as a function of aoa, as show by the attached diagram cp.png. Note that cp.png is referenced to mean chord length, not the root chord length.
forward 3-vector representing the forward direction of motion in the link frame. [1 0 0]
upward 3-vector representing the direction of lift or drag. [0 0 -1]
alpha_stall Angle of attack at stall point; the peak angle of attack. 9.5 degrees (.17 rad)
cla_stall The ratio of coefficient of lift and alpha slope after stall. Slope of the second portion of the alpha-lift coefficient curve. -1.1 (alpha in radians)
cda_stall The ratio of coefficient of drag and alpha slope after stall. .030 (alpha in radians)

Refer to Gazebo: Tutorial: Aerodynamics