The python implementation of the knowledge processing machine (kpm) for sc-machine. Library provides tools for interacting with knowledge bases. Communication with server is implemented in separate library named py-sc-client. This module is compatible with 0.9.0 version of OSTIS Platform.
The library contains the python implementation of useful classes and functions to work with the sc-memory.
Class which provides the ability to cache the identifier and ScAddr of keynodes stored in the KB.
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
# Get the provided identifier
ScKeynodes["identifier_of_keynode"] # Returns an ScAddr of the given identifier
# Get the unprovided identifier
ScKeynodes["not_stored_in_kb"] # Raises InvalidValueError if an identifier doesn't exist in the KB
ScKeynodes.get("not_stored_in_kb") # Returns an invalid ScAddr(0) in the same situation
# Resolve identifier
ScKeynodes.resolve("my_class_node", sc_types.NODE_CONST_CLASS) # Returns the element if it exists, otherwise creates
ScKeynodes.resolve("some_node", None) # Returns the element if it exists, otherwise returns an invalid ScAddr(0)
# Delete identifier
ScKeynodes.delete("identifier_to_delete") # Delete keynode from kb and ScKeynodes cache
# Get rrel node
ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1) # Returns valid ScAddr of 'rrel_1'
ScKeynodes.rrel_index(11) # Raises KeyError if index more than 10
ScKeynodes.rrel_index("some_str") # Raises TypeError if index is not int
A classes for handling a single ScEvent. Define your agents like this:
from sc_client.models import ScAddr
from sc_kpm import ScAgent, ScAgentClassic, ScResult
class ScAgentTest(ScAgent):
def on_event(self, class_node: ScAddr, edge: ScAddr, action_node: ScAddr) -> ScResult:
return ScResult.OK
class ScAgentClassicTest(ScAgentClassic):
def on_event(self, class_node: ScAddr, edge: ScAddr, action_node: ScAddr) -> ScResult:
# ScAgentClassic automatically checks its action
return ScResult.OK
For the ScAgent initialization you should define the sc-element and the type of the ScEvent.
For the ScAgentClassic initialization
you should define the identifier of the action class node and arguments of the ScAgent.
is set to the action_initiated
keynode by default.
is set to the ScEventType.ADD_OUTGOING_EDGE
type by default.
ClassicScAgent checks its action element automatically and doesn't run on_event
method if checking fails.
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_client.constants.common import ScEventType
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
action_class = ScKeynodes.resolve("test_class", sc_types.NODE_CONST_CLASS)
agent = ScAgentTest(action_class, ScEventType.ADD_OUTGOING_EDGE)
classic_agent = ScAgentClassicTest("classic_test_class")
classic_agent_ingoing = ScAgentClassicTest("classic_test_class", ScEventType.ADD_INGOING_EDGE)
A class for handling multiple ScAgent objects. Define your modules like this:
from sc_kpm import ScModule
module = ScModule(
Note: you don't need remove agents in the end of program.
A class for serving, register ScModule objects.
Firstly you need connect to server. You can use connect/disconnect methods:
from sc_kpm import ScServer
SC_SERVER_URL = "ws://localhost:8090/ws_json"
server = ScServer(SC_SERVER_URL)
Or with-statement. We recommend it because it easier to use, and it's safe:
from sc_kpm import ScServer
SC_SERVER_URL = "ws://localhost:8090/ws_json"
server = ScServer(SC_SERVER_URL)
with server.connect():
After connection, you can add and remove your modules. Manage your modules like this:
with server.connect():
module = ScModule(...)
But the modules are still not registered. For this use register_modules/unregister_modules methods:
with server.connect():
Or one mode with-statement. We also recommend to use so because it guarantees a safe agents unregistration if errors occur:
with server.connect():
with server.register_modules():
If you needn't separate connecting and registration, you can do it all using one command:
with server.start():
# or
There is also method for stopping program until a SIGINT signal (or ^C, or terminate in IDE) is received. So you can leave agents registered for a long time:
with server.connect():
# Creating some agents
with server.register_modules():
# Registration some agents
server.serve() # Agents will be active until ^C
Sc-set is a construction that presents main node called set_node
and linked elements.
There is no limit in types for sc-set elements:
- sc_kpm.sc_sets.ScSet
Class for handling simple sc-sets.
It is the parent class for ScOrientedSet
and ScNumberedSet
Methods and properties:
ScSet(*elements: ScAddr, set_node: ScAddr = None, set_node_type: ScType = None) -> None
Constructor of sc-set receives all elements to add, optional
and optionalset_node_type
. If you don't specifyset_node
, it will be created withset_node_type
(default NODE_CONST). -
ScSet.add(*elements: ScAddr) -> None
Add elements to the end of sc-set construction.
ScSet.set_node -> ScAddr
Property to give the main node of sc-set.
ScSet == ScSet -> bool
Check sc-sets have the same set_nodes.
ScSet.elements_set -> Set[ScAddr]
Property to give all elements from sc-set as a set. Use it if you don't need order in ordered sets.
iter(ScSet) -> Iterator[ScAddr]
Dunder method for iterating by sc-set. Lazy algorithm (ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet).
len(ScSet) -> int
Fast dunder method to give count of elements (power of sc-set).
bool(ScSet) -> bool
Dunder method for if-statement: True if there are elements in sc-set.
ScSet.is_empty() -> bool
True if there are no elements in sc-set.
ScAddr in ScSet -> bool
Dunder method: True if sc-set contains element.
ScSet.clear() -> bool
Remove all elements from sc-set.
ScSet.remove(*elements: ScAddr) -> None
Remove elements from sc-set. WARNING: method isn't optimized in ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_client.models import ScAddr
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScSet
from sc_kpm.utils import create_node, create_nodes
# Example elements to add
example_set_node: ScAddr = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)
elements: list[ScAddr] = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 5)
# Init sc-set and add elements
empty_set = ScSet()
set_with_elements = ScSet(elements[0], elements[1])
set_with_elements.add(elements[2], elements[3])
set_with_elements_and_set_node = ScSet(elements[2], set_node=example_set_node)
empty_set_with_specific_set_node_type = ScSet(set_node_type=sc_types.NODE_VAR)
# Get set node
set_node = empty_set.set_node
assert set_with_elements_and_set_node.set_node == example_set_node
# Get elements: list and set
assert set_with_elements.elements_set == set(elements) # set view faster and safe
# Iterate by elements
for element in set_with_elements:
# Length, bool, is_empty, in
assert len(set_with_elements) == len(elements)
assert bool(set_with_elements)
assert not set_with_elements.is_empty()
assert empty_set.is_empty()
assert elements[2] in set_with_elements
# Clear and remove
assert len(set_with_elements), len(elements) - 1
assert set_with_elements.is_empty()
If set_node
has type sc_types.NODE_CONST_STRUCT
construction is called sc-structure
and looks like a loop in SCg:
- sc_kpm.ScStructure
Class for handling structure construction in the kb.
The same logic as in ScSet
, but set_node_type if set NODE_CONST_STRUCT.
There are checks that set node has struct sc-type:
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScStructure
sc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node=..., set_node_type=...)
sc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node=create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)) # InvalidTypeError - not struct type
sc_struct = ScStructure(..., set_node_type=sc_types.NODE_CONST) # InvalidTypeError - not struct type
ScOrientedSet and ScNumberedSet are ordered sc-constructions. Child classes of ScSet, have the order in iteration and get list elements:
Sc{ordered}Set.elements_set -> List[ScAddr]
Get the list of all elements with order
- sc_kpm.ScOrientedSet
Class for handling sc-oriented-set construction. Has marked edges between edges from set_node to elements. Easy lazy iterating. No access by index.
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScOrientedSet
from sc_kpm.utils import create_nodes
elements = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 5)
numbered_set = ScOrientedSet(*elements)
assert numbered_set.elements_list == elements
- sc_kpm.ScNumberedSet
Class for handling sc-numbered-set construction. Set-node is edged with numerating each element with rrel node. Easy access to elements by index (index i is marked with rrel(i + 1))
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScNumberedSet
from sc_kpm.utils import create_nodes
elements = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 5)
numbered_set = ScNumberedSet(*elements)
assert numbered_set.elements_list == elements
assert numbered_set[2] == elements[2]
numbered_set[5] # raise KeyError
There are some functions for working with nodes, edges, links: create them, search, get content, delete, etc. There is also possibility to wrap in set or oriented set.
There are utils to work with basic elements
You can import these utils from sc_kpm.utils
If you want to create one or more nodes use these functions with type setting argument:
def create_node(node_type: ScType, sys_idtf: str = None) -> ScAddr: ...
def create_nodes(*node_types: ScType) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
is optional name of keynode if you want to add it there.
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.utils.common_utils import create_node, create_nodes
lang = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_CLASS) # ScAddr(...)
lang_en = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_CLASS) # ScAddr(...)
assert lang.is_valid() and lang_en.is_valid()
elements = create_nodes(sc_types.NODE_CONST, sc_types.NODE_VAR) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
assert len(elements) == 2
assert all(element.is_valid() for element in elements)
For creating edge between src and trg with setting its type use create_edge function:
def create_edge(edge_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def create_edges(edge_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, *targets: ScAddr) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm.utils import create_nodes
from sc_kpm.utils import create_edge, create_edges
src, trg, trg2, trg3 = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 4)
edge = create_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM, src, trg) # ScAddr(...)
edges = create_edges(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM, src, trg2, trg3) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
assert edge.is_valid()
assert all(edges)
Function is_valid() is used for validation addresses of nodes or edges.
For creating links with string type content (by default) use these functions:
def create_link(
content: Union[str, int],
content_type: ScLinkContentType = ScLinkContentType.STRING,
link_type: ScType = sc_types.LINK_CONST
) -> ScAddr: ...
def create_links(
*contents: Union[str, int],
content_type: ScLinkContentType = ScLinkContentType.STRING,
link_type: ScType = sc_types.LINK_CONST,
) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
You may use ScLinkContentType.STRING and ScLinkContentType.INT types for content of created links.
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType
from sc_kpm.utils import create_link, create_links
msg = create_link("hello") # ScAddr(...)
four = create_link(4, ScLinkContentType.INT) # ScAddr(...)
water = create_link("water", link_type=sc_types.LINK_VAR) # ScAddr(...)
names = create_links("Sam", "Pit") # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
Create different binary relations with these functions:
def create_binary_relation(edge_type: ScType, src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *relations: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def create_role_relation(src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *rrel_nodes: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def create_norole_relation(src: ScAddr, trg: ScAddr, *nrel_nodes: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.utils import create_node, create_nodes
from sc_kpm.utils import create_binary_relation, create_role_relation, create_norole_relation
src, trg = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 2)
increase_relation = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_CLASS)
brel = create_binary_relation(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM, src, trg, increase_relation) # ScAddr(...)
rrel = create_role_relation(src, trg, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)
nrel = create_norole_relation(src, trg, create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_NOROLE)) # ScAddr(...)
If you want to remove all edges between two nodes, which define by their type use
def delete_edges(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, *edge_types: ScType) -> bool: ...
It return True if operations was successful and False otherwise.
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm.utils import create_nodes, create_edge
from sc_kpm.utils import delete_edges
src, trg = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 2)
edge = create_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM, src, trg)
delete_edges(src, trg, sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM) # True
For getting edge or edges between two nodes use:
def get_edge(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, edge_type: ScType) -> ScAddr: ...
def get_edges(source: ScAddr, target: ScAddr, *edge_types: ScType) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
NOTE: Use VAR type instead of CONST in getting utils
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm.utils import create_nodes, create_edge
from sc_kpm.utils import get_edge, get_edges
src, trg = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 2)
edge1 = create_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM, src, trg)
edge2 = create_edge(sc_types.EDGE_D_COMMON_CONST, src, trg)
class_edge = get_edge(src, trg, sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_VAR_POS_PERM) # ScAddr(...)
assert class_edge == edge1
edges = get_edges(src, trg, sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_VAR_POS_PERM, sc_types.EDGE_D_COMMON_VAR) # [ScAddr(...), ScAddr(...)]
assert edges == [edge1, edge2]
Get target element by source element and relation:
def get_element_by_role_relation(src: ScAddr, rrel_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
def get_element_by_norole_relation(src: ScAddr, nrel_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers
from sc_kpm.utils import create_nodes, create_role_relation, create_norole_relation
from sc_kpm.utils import get_element_by_role_relation, get_element_by_norole_relation
src, trg_rrel, trg_nrel = create_nodes(*[sc_types.NODE_CONST] * 3)
rrel = create_role_relation(src, trg_rrel, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)
nrel = create_norole_relation(src, trg_nrel, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]) # ScAddr(...)
result_rrel = get_element_by_role_relation(src, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1)) # ScAddr(...)
assert result_rrel == trg_rrel
result_nrel = get_element_by_norole_relation(src, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.NREL_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER]) # ScAddr(...)
assert result_nrel == trg_nrel
For existed links you may get their content by address with this function:
def get_link_content(link: ScAddr) -> Union[str, int]: ...
from sc_kpm.utils import create_link
from sc_kpm.utils import get_link_content_data
water = create_link("water")
content = get_link_content_data(water) # "water"
For getting system identifier of keynode use:
def get_system_idtf(addr: ScAddr) -> str: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.utils import create_node
from sc_kpm.utils import get_system_idtf
lang_en = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_CLASS) # ScAddr(...)
idtf = get_system_idtf(lang_en) # "lang_en"
assert ScKeynodes[idtf] == lang_en
Utils to work with actions, events and agents
def check_action_class(action_class: Union[ScAddr, Idtf], action_node: ScAddr) -> bool: ...
This function returns True if action class has connection to action node. You can use identifier of action class instead of ScAddr. This function should not be used in the ScAgentClassic.
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers
from sc_kpm.utils import create_node, create_edge
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import check_action_class
action_node = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)
create_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM, ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.ACTION], action_node)
action_class = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_CLASS)
create_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_PERM, action_class, action_node)
assert check_action_class(action_class, action_node)
# or
assert check_action_class("some_classification", action_node)
For getting list of action arguments concatenated by rrel_[1 -> count]
def get_action_arguments(action_class: Union[ScAddr, Idtf], count: int) -> List[ScAddr]: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers
from sc_kpm.utils import create_node, create_edge, create_role_relation
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import get_action_arguments
action_node = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)
# Static argument
argument1 = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)
create_role_relation(action_node, argument1, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(1))
# Dynamic argument
dynamic_node = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)
rrel_dynamic_arg = ScKeynodes[CommonIdentifiers.RREL_DYNAMIC_ARGUMENT]
create_role_relation(action_node, dynamic_node, rrel_dynamic_arg, ScKeynodes.rrel_index(2))
argument2 = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)
create_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_CONST_POS_TEMP, dynamic_node, argument2)
arguments = get_action_arguments(action_node, 2)
assert arguments == [argument1, dynamic_node]
def create_action_result(action_node: ScAddr, *elements: ScAddr) -> None: ...
def get_action_result(action_node: ScAddr) -> ScAddr: ...
Create and get structure with output of action
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm.utils import create_node
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import create_action_result, get_action_result
from sc_kpm.sc_sets import ScStructure
action_node = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_STRUCT)
result_element = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST_STRUCT)
create_action_result(action_node, result_element)
result = get_action_result(action_node)
result_elements = ScStructure(result).elements_set
assert result_elements == {result_element}
Agent call function: creates action node with some arguments, concepts and connects it to the node with initiation identifier. Returns action node
def call_agent(
arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic],
concepts: List[Idtf],
initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,
) -> ScAddr: ...
Agent wait function: Waits for creation of edge to reaction node for some seconds.
Default reaction_node is action_finished
def wait_agent(seconds: float, action_node: ScAddr, reaction_node: ScAddr = None) -> None: ...
Agent execute function: combines two previous functions -- calls, waits and returns action node and True if success
def execute_agent(
arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic],
concepts: List[Idtf],
initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,
reaction: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY,
wait_time: int = COMMON_WAIT_TIME, # 5
) -> Tuple[ScAddr, bool]: ...
from sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers, ActionStatus
from sc_kpm.utils import create_link
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import execute_agent, call_agent, wait_agent
arg1 = create_link(2, ScLinkContentType.INT)
arg2 = create_link(3, ScLinkContentType.INT)
kwargs = dict(
arguments={arg1: False, arg2: False},
concepts=[CommonIdentifiers.ACTION, "some_class_name"],
action = call_agent(**kwargs) # ScAddr(...)
wait_agent(3, action, ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED])
# or
action, is_successfully = execute_agent(**kwargs, wait_time=3) # ScAddr(...), bool
Functions that allow to create action and add arguments and call later.
Function that creates action with concepts and return its ScAddr.
def create_action(*concepts: Idtf) -> ScAddr: ...
Function that creates arguments of action
def add_action_arguments(action_node: ScAddr, arguments: Dict[ScAddr, IsDynamic]) -> None: ...
Now you can call or execute action. Action call functions don't return action_node because it's parameter to them.
def call_action(
action_node: ScAddr, initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED
) -> None: ...
def execute_action(
action_node: ScAddr,
initiation: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_INITIATED,
reaction: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY,
wait_time: float = COMMON_WAIT_TIME,
) -> bool: ...
from sc_client.models import ScLinkContentType
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import CommonIdentifiers, ActionStatus
from sc_kpm.utils import create_link
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import add_action_arguments, call_action, create_action, execute_action, wait_agent
arg1 = create_link(2, ScLinkContentType.INT)
arg2 = create_link(3, ScLinkContentType.INT)
action_node = create_action(CommonIdentifiers.ACTION, "some_class_name") # ScAddr(...)
# Do something here
arguments = {arg1: False, arg2: False}
add_action_arguments(action_node, arguments)
wait_agent(3, action_node, ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED])
# or
is_successful = execute_action(action_node, wait_time=3) # bool
Function finish_action
connects status class to action node:
def finish_action(action_node: ScAddr, status: Idtf = ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED) -> ScAddr: ...
Function finish_action_with_status
connects action_finished
and action_finished_(un)successfully
statuses to it:
def finish_action_with_status(action_node: ScAddr, is_success: bool = True) -> None: ...
from sc_client.constants import sc_types
from sc_kpm import ScKeynodes
from sc_kpm.identifiers import ActionStatus
from sc_kpm.utils import create_node, check_edge
from sc_kpm.utils.action_utils import finish_action, finish_action_with_status
action_node = create_node(sc_types.NODE_CONST)
# or
finish_action_with_status(action_node, True)
# or
finish_action(action_node, ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED)
finish_action(action_node, ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY)
action_finished = ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED]
action_finished_successfully = ScKeynodes[ActionStatus.ACTION_FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY]
assert check_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_VAR_POS_PERM, action_finished, action_node)
assert check_edge(sc_types.EDGE_ACCESS_VAR_POS_PERM, action_finished_successfully, action_node)
- Script for creating and registration agent until user press ^C:
- Scripts for creating agent to calculate sum of two arguments and confirm result:
- Logging examples: