Exploration of REST-based Code on Demand techniques with AngularJS
Just in case anyone is interested in bringing together this stack, I've made an exploration project which uses the following tech:
- Scala
- Scalaz
- AngularJS
- RequireJS
- CoffeeScript
- Spray.io
- Akka (implied by Spray.io but also used separately)
- Scalate
The problem domain modeled is the Atom Feed Standard and is only mocked with regard to the feed itself. While I consider it an interesting research/exploration effort in seeing what can be done with a HATEOAS architecture, YMMV :-).
In any event, it's BSD licensed and might be of benefit if you are interested in bringing together these libraries. Note that the intent of this project is to see what can be done with AngularJS's ability to define custom directives and how these directives are very similar to XML. However, efforts not involving such an interest may still benefit from snippets/idioms used.