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OGIGFN - by OverScore Media

A demonstration of how to use the Nuxt Content module, node-canvas, and some technical trickery to dynamically generate OpenGraph (social media page embed preview) images for the pages on your Nuxt.js site. We use it at (try sharing a link from our page on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn and see the image that pops up).

We were inspired by Vercel's og-image service, and wanted to try something a bit different using Nuxt and static site generation.

Feel free to use this as a reference, but it's probably best not to base a new project completely off it. At this point there are just a lot of moving parts. Maybe in the future we could make it a self-contained Nuxt module, or the Nuxt team might make something new and awesome that renders it obsolete.

Also, the site itself is a bit of a mess at the moment, so don't hold that against us, and focus on the logic that makes the image generation work - ;]

Check out some different routes of this site at

Live at [thanks, Netlify!]

Made by OverScore Media, a distributed software, web, and digital design agency based in Peterborough, Ontario. If you're looking for work or have a project in mind [we offer free, comprehensive consultations for all our clients] do drop us a line.

OverScore Media - Your Message, Levelled Up!



A rectangular preview of what a link posted to Facebook might look like - has chalkboard-like drawings overlayed with a transparent dark foreground, the words "Other Page" in the middle, and OverScore Media's logo at the bottom

Page with a custom header:

A rectangular preview of what a link posted to Facebook might look like - has a clipart picture overlayed with a transparent dark foreground, the words "Other Post" in the middle, and OverScore Media's logo at the bottom

(defined in the header variable in the page's .md front-matter)

Development Setup

  • Make sure you have Git, Node.js, Yarn, etc. installed (Node 14 and up is very much recommended)
  • You may need the Visual Studio C++ Tools (or whatever they're called these days) to develop on Windows
    • (I use Kali Linux in WSL, so it's probable that I may have broken/hampered Windows compatibility in some way)
  • Clone the repo from GitHub (I recommend setting up the GitHub CLI)[]
  • yarn to install all the Node dependencies

Helpful Commands

  • yarn dev - to spin up a dev server on localhost:1234
  • yarn prod - to generate the static files (yarn generate) and spin up a production server on localhost:5678
  • yarn lint - to lint all JavaScript/CSS [including Vue/SCSS files]
  • yarn fix - to lint all JavaScript/CSS, auto-fixing any problems that can be auto-fixed

Files (in descending alphabetical order for some reason)

yarn.lock - the lockfile for Node dependencies, as managed by yarn

stylelint.config.js - the Stylelint config for linting CSS/SCSS (right now it's basically standard minus some nuisances)

package.json - the main Node.js application/dependency information file

nuxt.config.js - where Nuxt-specific config is stored

jsconfig.json - IDK, VS Code likes it, though

commitlint.config.js - maybe this is silly, but it checks that all commits should be in Semantic Commit style

.gitignore - the files/directories that Git should not version-track

.eslintrc.js - the ESLint config for linting JavaScript/Vue files

.editorconfig - text editors like it, IDK


.nuxt - Nuxt's magical directory while it's running

assets - where fonts, [some] images, and styles go

  • fonts
    • The Inter-Black typeface is here for the OpenGraph images, but you can easily swap it out
      • (just remember to update the registerFont call in nuxt.config.js if you do change the font)
  • images
    • Right now the default background and global template for generated OG images are here
  • scss
    • The global styles for the site (page- and component-specific styles are mostly in their own page/component's Vue file)
    • Also global SASS mixins and variables

components - where Vue components are loaded in

  • Note that Nuxt no longer requires importing the components into other files, as the @nuxt/components module takes care of lazy-loading them via Webpack at runtime (TLDR, you can use these in any other page/component straight in the markup without having to import Component from '~/components/component-name.vue)

content - where the Nuxt Content... content is stored. Mostly Markdown

layouts - think of these as the grandparent/supra-components. Layouts define pages, pages have components, and components can have child/grandchild/etc. components in them

  • Currently a default layout for all pages and an error page for 404's and stuff

pages - pages go here. Routing in Nuxt is a little weird, though

  • Where necessary, pages have comments explaining what they do
  • Like layouts and components, pages are .vue files

static - stuff that's supposed to be at or whatever (i.e. not an "asset" but loaded in when needed)

  • Favicons and content/dynamically-fetched images go here
  • OpenGraph images go in /static/media/opengraph
    • Since they're dynamically created when you call yarn generate, they shouldn't be version-controlled
  • Remember, everything in static ends up at a publicly-available URL

Other Helpful Links

Vercel's OG Image-as-a-Service

Nuxt 2.x Documentation

Vue Documentation (currently using Vue 2 on this site)

ESLint Documentation

Stylelint Documentation


node-canvas Documentation

Undraw - Offers awesome vector images for free!