This is the Enhanced RAFT system overview implements in this github. The following picture is for comparsion between Enhanced RAFT and original RAFT.
Folder Communicator, folder host, folder signedMethods and make file need to put in one same directory.
use the make file
"java host.Host" would start the server program
"java host.Client" would start the client program
need the client to set up the cluster
The host.Host would start a enhanced RAFT server on the current machine. A state log file, storing the committed value in the current host, and a log file, storing the information about the vote during the election period. Without further instruction, the host would remain isolated, and it is running without RAFT functionality.
The host.Client acts as a interface. It is used to connect all the server together. All the commands are sent from here. The following are the command a user can use:
changevalue <state name: String> <state value: Int> <?byzantine command: Bool>
This instruction would send the new value with the new state name to the leader. The first parameter is key word "changevalue"; the second parameter is state name, which is a string without empty space; the third parameter is new state value, a integer; the last parameter is an optional Bool value, true stands for the leader would make Byzantine move on this command.
add (<host ip: String>, <host port: String>) ...
This instruction would connect all the host into one cluster and start the remaining functionality of the RAFT.
byzantineenable / byzantinedisable
These two instruction would activate/deactivate the enhanced Byzantine fault tolerance functionality in all host machines.
Cheat sheet of all the instructions
Team leader & Code coordinator: Ting-Chi Yeh
Communication & Encryption: Shan He
User interaction & Persistent storage: Yujian Zhang
RAFT character switching: Yu-Cheng Lin