A colourful echo experience
via curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owenlejeune/gecho/master/tools/install.sh)"
via wget
sh -c "$(wget -0- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owenlejeune/gecho/master/tools/install.sh)"
gecho includes an optional oh-my-bash and oh-my-zsh plugin, which will ask to be installed upon installation
gecho provides an generica gecho
command allowing for a user specified color, as well as specific commands for each color available
Using the general command:
gecho <FLAG> <TEXT>
-c=,--color= Text color to display
Available colors:
black, red, light red,
green, light green,
brown/orange, blue,
light blue, purple, cyan,
light cyan, light gray,
dark gray, yellow, white
Using specific commands
Black blecho <TEXT>
Red recho <TEXT>
Light Red lrecho <TEXT>
Green grecho <TEXT>
Light Green lgrecho <TEXT>
Brown/Orange boecho <TEXT>
Blue becho <TEXT>
Light Blue lbecho <TEXT>
Purple pecho <TEXT>
Light Purple lpecho <TEXT>
Cyan cecho <TEXT>
Light Cyan lcecho <TEXT>
Light Gray lgecho <TEXT>
Dark Gray dgecho <TEXT>
Yellow yecho <TEXT>
White wecho <TEXT>