This repo contains code to generate artificial data described in: A new dataset and model for learning to understand navigational instructions
To generate the fixed dataset:
To generate the data used in the efficiency experiments:
You can generate data for specific tasks by using the generatedata.jl. It will create a folder for each subtask and generate instructions.json and corresponding maps.json.
Example: julia generate_data.jl --num 15000 --folder ../unique_sailx/ --unique --tasks turn_to_x --seed 123789
--num : number of instances
--tasks: list of the tasks
--folder: parent folder to save the data
--seed: random seed
--unique: the combination of the instruction and corresponding path (including the configuration of visual properties) is unique for each instance
--ratio: default is [0.0]. If you want to split data into train, dev and test splits, give the ratio (e.g 0.7 0.15 0.15)
--ofolder: If the ratio is given, then --folder argument is used to input folder. ofolder argument is used as the parent folder to save the data
List of possible tasks:
- turn_to_x
- move_to_x
- combined_12 (sample from [turn_to_x, move_to_x])
- turn_and_move_to_x
- lang_only
- combined_1245 (sample from [turn_to_x, move_to_x, turn_and_move_to_x, lang_only])
- move_until
- orient
- describe
- move_vis_turn_lang
- turn_vis_move_lang
- move_lang_turn_vis
- turn_lang_move_vis
- move_vis_turn_vis
- turn_vis_move_vis
- any_combination (sample from [move_vis_turn_lang, turn_vis_move_lang, move_lang_turn_vis, turn_lang_move_vis, move_vis_turn_vis, turn_vis_move_vis])
- norestriction
id : id
fname : the file name
text : tokenized version of the instruction
map : the name of the map
path : a list of (x,y,orientation) tuples
name : randomly generated name
nodes : A dictionary where keys are the locations as (x,y) tuples and values are ids of items
edges : A dictionary as (x1,y1) => (x2, y2) => [wall id, floor id],
where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are nodes and [wall id, floor id] represents the wall paintings and flooring.
Ids of attributes:
Items = Dict("stool" => 1, "chair" => 2, "easel" => 3,
"hatrack" => 4, "lamp" => 5, "sofa" => 6, "" => 7)
Walls = Dict("butterfly" => 1, "fish" => 2, "tower" => 3)
Floors = Dict("blue" => 1, "brick" => 2, "concrete" => 3, "flower" => 4,
"grass" => 5, "gravel" => 6, "wood" => 7, "yellow" => 8)