We have developed a transliteration model @ Xelpmoc
which transliterates বাংলা to English, with an accuracy of approximately 96.5 %
- This the Jupyter notebook file which was used to train the transliteration model. The neural network was trained on a Google Cloud Platform instance having 2vCPUs and a single NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU, taking around 5 minutes for a single epoch. -
- This the Jupyter notebook file which was used to develop the APIuse_model.py
. It includes all the necessary preprocessing required to feed the বাংলা word to the API, so as to get the necessary output. -
- This is the trained Keras Sequential Model which does all the prediction for us. -
- This is the API which we have developed, that takes the input through a command line argument, and gives the output in the fileoutput.txt
. -
- This folder contains the dataset on which the neural network was trained.
- This Jupyter Notebook contains 5 models which developed a translation model which could convert English to French. The hybrid model is the one on which we based our final transliteration model. [Credit : Tommy Tracey]
- Version of TensorFlow used :
- Version of Keras used :
Correct Usage of API : python3 use_model.py -word <bengali_word>
For example : python3 use_model.py -word সরকার