this repo is a Node.js stock scanner with Robinhood integration currently focused on penny stocks.
npm install
create a config.js file that exports an object
module.exports = {
credentials: {
username: 'robinhoodusername',
password: 'robinhoodpassword'
npm start
actions are divided up into "app-actions" and "rh-actions" (robinhood actions)
modules are generally "strategies", but can be anything that runs at app init and using utils/reg-cron-after-630 something that gets run at various times of the day
picks-data - each day a folder is created that saves the "picks" for each of the strategies / modules whenever they are run
daily-transactions - the actual transactions that the program went ahead and bought or sold for each day
stock-data - contains all the output of getTrendAndSave
strat-perfs - when app-actions/record-strat-perfs is run, it calculates how well each of the strategies from the previous day have trended and averages them out, calculated at multiple times of the day as well
shared-async and socket-server should be deleted
strategies are mostly "trendFilter"s. which just take in a Robinhood instance and the output of getTrendAndSave which contains every tickers' quote_data and a few other things. say a strategy is configured to run [3, 10, 15, 90]
...that means that 15 minutes after opening bell (6:30am pacific), that strategy is not going to be run just once, but it will actually be run once for 0-$5, once for $5 - $10 and a third time for $10 - $15 - each time the trendFilter only containing the tickers whose last_trade_price are within that "price segment".
when the strategy is run it returns a list of tickers (ie [AAPL, GOOG, JAGX]
). These "picks" are saved along with their current trading price in picks-data/[date]/[strategy-name]-[price-perm] as an object with their keys being the minute after opening bell of that particularly run.
the program will actively purchase the strategies saved in strategies-enabled.js. also the program sells half the holdings of each of the stocks it purchased after 1 day and it sells 100% of the shares after 2 days.
all strategies (modules/*) are enabled to run at various times per day. they run for every increment of $1-5, $5-10 and $10-15.
strategies-enabled.js determines which strategies are "enabled for purchase"
node run analysis/day-report
- reports on how the purchases the app has made today have trended since they were purchased
node run analysis/strategy-perf-overall
- how have each of the strategies trended over the last 7 days? by avgTrend and percUp
node run analysis/strategy-perf-today
- of the strategies that have recorded picks today, how have they trended?
node analysis/run past-on-today
- look at strategy-perf-overall... if you were to have enabled the top 10 avgPerc and top 10 percUp strategies, how well would they have done today?
integrate this electron front-end
better manage dependency on pattern-predict
fix filenames saved with
character (see -
make it profitable
ups then downs variation: prevClose vs shiftedHist - is prevClose working troubleshoot?
cheapest 5 stocks, cheapest 10 stocks, cheapest 15 stocks - done
consistent-risers - constant rising since opening bell
sell 100% of stocks if have increased in price after 24 hours
before-close-up - return an object / make variations
getprices should be batched for variations of strategies
constant-risers below x trendsinceopen