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The wan bundle includes two (2) local clusters configured with bi-directional WAN gateways. You can test the bundle immediately after installation. No configurations required.


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Geode/GemFire WAN

The wan bundle includes two (2) local clusters configured with bidirectional WAN gateways. You can test the bundle immediately after installation. No configurations required.

To understand how the clusters are configured, please see the following WAN example. It provides step-by-step instructions for creating and running WAN enabled clusters from scratch.

Geode/GemFire WAN Example

Table of Contents

Installing Bundle

Install the bundle as a workspace by executing one of the following:

# To run
install_bundle -download -workspace bundle-geode-1-app-perf_test_wan-cluster-ln-ny

# To run and/or check in
install_bundle -checkout bundle-geode-1-app-perf_test_wan-cluster-ln-ny

Use Case

In this use case, two (2) local clusters are configured to replicate select Geode/GemFire regions across the WAN. With the included perf_test_wan app you can ingest data into the ny cluster and monitor the WAN replication taking place into the ln cluster using Geode/GemFire Pulse in the browser.

WAN Diagram

Required Software

  • Maven 3.x
  • Geode 1.x or GemFire 9.x/10.x

Bundle Contents

└── perf_test_wan

├── ln
└── ny

Configuring Bundle Environment

Make sure you have all the required products installed.

# To use Geode:
install_padogrid -product geode
update_padogrid -product geode

# To use GemFire:
# GemFire must be downloaded manually from the their website.
# The install_padogrid usage provides the download link.
install_padogrid -?
# Upon download, install it in $PADOGRID_ENV_BASE_PATH/products directory.
# For example, the following installs GemFire 10.1.0.
tar -C $PADOGRID_ENV_BASE_PATH/products -xzf ~/Downloads/vmware-gemfire-10.1.0.tgz
# Update the workspace environment with the installed GemFire version.
update_padogrid -product gemfire

Startup Sequence

1. Switch Workspace

Switch into the bundle workspace to set the current workspace context.

switch_workspace bundle-geode-1-app-perf_test_wan-cluster-ln-ny

2. Start Clusters

Add a locator and two (2) members to both clusters. You can add more members if you have enough memory. Each member is configured with the maxiumu heap size of 1GB.

# ny
switch_cluster ny
add_locator; add_member -count 2

# ln
switch_cluster ln
add_locator; add_member -count 2

Run the clusters by executing one of the following options.

# Start both (all) clusters in the workspace
start_workspace -quiet

# You can also start clusters individually as follows
start_cluster -cluster ny
start_cluster -cluster ln

You can also optionally group the clusters to manage them with a single command. The following example creates a group named wan and adds both clusters to it.

create_group -group wan -product geode -count 0
add_cluster -group wan -cluster ny
add_cluster -group wan -cluster ln

The group you created can be managed using the *_grroup commands as follows.

# Switch to the wan group
switch_group wan

# Start all clusters belonging to the current group

3. Monitor Clusters

The clusters can be monitored in a number of ways, i.e., by Pulse, gfsh, VSD, JMX, Grafana, geode-addon, etc. Let's use Pulse for our example. You can view the gateway sender activities from Pulse. To get the Pulse URLs for both clusters run the following:

# View all clusters in the workspace
show_cluster -all

# View clusters individually
show_cluster -long -cluster ny
show_cluster -long -cluster ln

# If you created group, then 'show_group' also displays both clusters
show_group -long

You should see the following URLs from the command outputs.

✏️ Note that only one instance of Pulse can be viewed per browser. To view both clusters, you need to open two different browsers, e.g., view ny from Chrome and ln from Firefox.

Test Cases

Test Case 1. Parallel Gateway - Region summary

In this test case, we replicate data from the ny cluster to the ln cluster using parallel gatway senders. Both clusters have been configured with a parallel gateway named, ny-to-ln-summary. You can view the configuration file as follows.

cd_cluster ny
cat etc/cache.xml

Content of cache.xml:

  <!-- Parallel event queue for summary -->
  <gateway-sender id="ny-to-ln-summary" remote-distributed-system-id="2"
      parallel="true" dispatcher-threads="5" maximum-queue-memory="150">

There are three (3) regions configured to store co-located data: eligibility, profile, and summary. The eligibility and profile regions store member group benefit information. The summary region stores member group summary information which is aggregated by invoking EligFunction via FunctionService.onRegion(). EligFunction aggregates data from the co-located regions, eligibility and profile.

✏️ The included perf_test_wan app is the same perf_test app that you can also install by running the create_app command. There are no configuration differences between the two. Either one will properly populate data into both clusters.

The perf_test_wan app connects to the ny cluster so the ny cluster is the sender and ln is the receiver.

Change directory into the perf_test_wan's bin_sh directory.

cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh

First, ingest data into the eligibility and profile regions.

./test_ingestion -run

Next, generate transactional data into the summary region which is configured to replicate between the clusters. The following command invokes EligFunction for each member group ID.

./test_tx -run

You can monitor the Pulse instances to see the summary region being populated with GroupSummary data.

Replicating from ln to ny

If you want to send from the ln cluster to the ny cluster then change the locator port in the client-cache.xml file.

cd_app perf_test_wan
vi etc/client-cache.xml

Change the locator port number from 10333 (ny) to 10344 (ln).

<pool name="serverPool">
   <locator host="localhost" port="10344" />

Run test_tx as before.

cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh
./test_tx -run

Test Case 2. Parallel Gateway - Region map1

In this test case, we use another parallel gateway to replicate data from ny to ln. The map region has been configured with a parallel gateway named, ny-to-ln-parallel. Note that we cannot use the previous test case's ny-to-ln-summary gateway since in this test case, we have not co-located data.

cd_cluser nyc
cat etc/cache.xml

Content of cache.xml:

  <!-- Parallel event queue -->
  <gateway-sender id="ny-to-ln-parallel" remote-distributed-system-id="2"
      parallel="true" dispatcher-threads="5" maximum-queue-memory="150" order-policy="partition">

Execute the following to ingest data into the map1 region.

cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh
./test_group -run -prop ../etc/

Monitor the Pulse instances to view data getting replicated from ny to ln.

Test Case 3. Serial Gateway - Region map2

A serial gateway sender funnels region events through a single Geode server in the local cluster to a gateway receiver in the remote Geode cluster. All other servers configured with the same gateway replicate the region events but do not send them to the gateway receiver. They remain standby until a failover occurs in which time one of them assumes the sender responsibility. For this reson, we should limit the number of serial gateway servers to a small number.

For our test case, only the first two (2) servers are preconfigured with a serial gateway. You can change the number of serial gateway servers by editing the bin_sh/ file as follows.

# ny
cd_cluster ny/bin_sh

# ln
cd_cluster ln/bin_sh



Both clusters have been configured with a serial gateway named, ny-to-ln-serial. You can view the configuration file as follows.

cd_cluster ny
cat etc/cache.xml

Content of cache.xml:

  <!-- Serial event queue -->
  <gateway-sender id="ny-to-ln-serial" remote-distributed-system-id="2"
      parallel="false" dispatcher-threads="5" maximum-queue-memory="150"

The map2 region has been configured with the ny-to-ln-serial gateway. You can use perf_test to ingest data in the map2 region as follows.

cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh
./test_group -run -prop ../etc/

Monitor the Pulse instances to view data getting replicated from ny to ln.

Test Case 4. Parallel Gateway - Co-located Regions /nw/customers and /nw/orders

In this test case, we WAN-replicate two (2) regions that have been co-located. The /nw/customers and /nw/orders regions have been preconfigured to co-locate data using the PadoGrid's IdentityKeyPartitionResolver. You can view the configuration file as follows.

cd_cluster ny/etc
vi cache.xml

Content of cache.xml

   <region-attributes id="customerIdentityKey">
      <partition-attributes colocated-with="/nw/customers">
            <parameter name="indexes">
   <region name="nw">
      <region name="customers" refid="PARTITION">
         <region-attributes gateway-sender-ids="ny-to-ln-customers" />
      <region name="orders" refid="PARTITION">
         <region-attributes refid="customerIdentityKey" gateway-sender-ids="ny-to-ln-customers" />
     </region >

IdentityKeyPartitionResolver is a generic partition resolver that works with any string keys conforming to the following default format.


For our test case, we supply the customer ID as the routing key as follows.


For example, if the customer's key is 000000-0017 in the /nw/customers region, then the orders belonging to that customer in the /nw/orders region would have keys similar to the following.


✏️ IdentityKeyPartitionResolver supports keys with delimiters other than '.' (period), multiple delimiters, and custom delimiter sequences.

Note that the /nw/customers region is not configured with the customerIdentityKey region attributes. This is because the routing keys are customer IDs, and customer IDs are actual keys for the /nw/customers region. If we have configured the /nw/customers with the same customerIdentityKey region attributes, then we will see the following error message in the member log files.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Region specified in 'colocated-with' (/nw/customers) for region /nw/customers does not exist. It should be created before setting 'colocated-with' attribute for this region.

Before we can ingest mock data into the /nw/customers and /nw/orders regions, we need to run the build_app script to download the javafaker package required by perf_test for generating mock data.

cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh

Let's now ingest mock data into the /nw/customers and /nw/orders regions.

cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh

# PadoGrid v0.9.17 or above - provides more quantized entity relationships
./test_group -prop ../etc/ -run

# PadoGrid v0.9.16 or less
./test_group -prop ../etc/ -run

Monitor both Pulse instances to see the regions getting populated.


One of the benefits of co-located data is that you can equi-join regions together using OQL. This can only be done in functions, however. PadoGrid provides another generic plugin that we can use for this purpose. The addon.QueryFunction plugin has already been deployed in the PadoGrid workspace and we can simply run the following OQL statement using the curl command to equi-join /nw/customers and /nw/orders.


select distinct * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId order by c.customerId limit 100

Execute the following curl command to invoke the addon.QueryFunction.

curl -X POST "http://localhost:7080/geode/v1/functions/addon.QueryFunction?onRegion=%2Fnw%2Forders" \
     -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d "[ { \"@type\": \"String\",\"@value\": \"select distinct * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId order by c.customerId limit 100\"}]"

You should see outputs similar to the following.

[ [ {
  "c" : {
    "createdOn" : "06/01/2022",
    "updatedOn" : "06/01/2022",
    "customerId" : "000000-0017",
    "companyName" : "Russel-Barrows",
    "contactName" : "McDermott",
    "contactTitle" : "Central Manager",
    "address" : "Apt. 892 5479 Dewitt Bypass, Eulahborough, NH 90390",
    "city" : "South Zackaryview",
    "region" : "MD",
    "postalCode" : "19374-0549",
    "country" : "Uruguay",
    "phone" : "1-423-878-7980",
    "fax" : "258-478-9848"
  "o" : {
    "createdOn" : "06/01/2022",
    "updatedOn" : "06/01/2022",
    "orderId" : "k0000007416",
    "customerId" : "000000-0017",
    "employeeId" : "705328+5656",
    "orderDate" : "05/27/2022",
    "requiredDate" : "06/02/2022",
    "shippedDate" : "06/01/2022",
    "shipVia" : "4",
    "freight" : 95.39,
    "shipName" : "Cassin LLC",
    "shipAddress" : "Suite 215 1566 Sipes Meadows, West Terrance, WY 31508-9261",
    "shipCity" : "New Genaroview",
    "shipRegion" : "ND",
    "shipPostalCode" : "78439",
    "shipCountry" : "Germany"
}, {

Swagger UI

You can also execute the query using the Swagger UI. The Swagger UI URLs can be obtained by running show_bundle -long as follows.

show_cluster -long -cluster ny
show_cluster -long -cluster ln


01        Member: ln-padomac.local-01
           STATE: Running
             PID: 81065
     MEMBER_PORT: 40414
 MEMBER_HTTP_URL: http://localhost:7090/geode/swagger-ui.html
02        Member: ln-padomac.local-02
           STATE: Running
             PID: 81066
     MEMBER_PORT: 40415
 MEMBER_HTTP_URL: http://localhost:7091/geode/swagger-ui.html

Go to one of the Swagger UI URLs and select POST /v1/functions/{fuctionId}.

Enter the following and click on the Execute button.

  • argsInBody or Request body:
[{"@type": "String",
"@value": "select distinct * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId order by c.customerId limit 100" }]
  • functionId:
  • onRegion:

Swagger Screenshopt


You can also execute queries in a simpler way by running the run_query script found in the bin_sh directory. The following executes the default equi-join query statement we used in the previous examples.

cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh

You can use run_query to target clusters and members. Please see the next section for the usage.

Useful Scripts

This bundle includes the following additional scripts for your convenience.


cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh
./run_clear -?


   run_clear - Execute 'addon.ClearFunction' via the REST API to clear the specified region

   run_clear [-cluster cluster_name] [-num member_number] [-query "oql_statement"] [-region target_region_path] [-?]

   Executes 'addon.ClearFunction' via the REST API to clear the specified region.

   By default, the REST API is invoked on the first member of the current cluster. You can target
   a specific cluster and member using the '-cluster' and '-num' options, respective.

   'addon.ClearFunction' is executed on all members using 'onMembers'. Each member is responsible
   for clearing their own primary set of partitioned data. If the specified region is a replicated region,
   then the same effect takes place except that each member clears the entire region. We can do better
   by having only one member to clear replicated regions. This is an improvement that can be added in the future.

   Note that unlike 'addon.QueryFunction', 'addon.ClearFunction' does not require a target region.

   -region region_path
             The region to clear. Required.

   -cluster cluster_name
             Cluster name. Default: ny

   -num member_number
             The number of member to execute the REST API on. Default: 1

   ./run_clear -cluster ny -num 1 -region region_path


cd_app perf_test_wan/bin_sh
run_query -?
   run_query - Execute 'addon.QueryFunction' via the REST API to execute ad-hoc queries

   run_query [-cluster cluster_name] [-num member_number] [-region target_region_path] [-query "oql_statement"] [-?]

   Executes 'addon.QueryFunction' via the REST API to execute ad-hoc queries. If the '-query' option
   is not specified then it executes the following equi-join query statement.

   select distinct * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId order by c.customerId limit 100

   By default, the REST API is invoked on the first member of the current cluster. You can target
   a specific cluster and member using the '-cluster' and '-num' options, respective.

   Note that 'addon.QueryFunction' is executed using 'onRegion'. This means the target region to
   execute the function on must be a partitioned region. This script assigns the target region
   to the first region path found in the 'from' clause. Optionally, you can specify the target
   region using the '-region' option.

   -query "oql_statement"
             OQL query statement in double quotes. If this option is not specified then it defaults
             to the equi-join statement shown above.

   -cluster cluster_name
             Cluster name. Default: ny

   -num member_number
             The number of member to execute the REST API on. Default: 1

   -region target_region_path
             The target region to execute the query, i.e., onRegion. If this option is not specified
             then this script assigns the first region extracted from the 'from' clause as the target

   ./run_query -cluster ny -num 1 -query "select distinct * from /nw/customers c, /nw/orders o where c.customerId=o.customerId order by c.customerId limit 100"


# Stop all custers in the workspace - '-all' stops both members and locators
stop_workspace -all


  1. Geode/GemFire WAN Example,

PadoGrid PadoGrid | Catalogs | Manual | FAQ | Releases | Templates | Pods | Kubernetes | Docker | Apps | Quick Start


The wan bundle includes two (2) local clusters configured with bi-directional WAN gateways. You can test the bundle immediately after installation. No configurations required.








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