OpenShift4 (OCP4) Upgrade Paths Checker
This is a BASH script that generates a graphical output of the possible OpenShift4 minor upgrade paths using "stable", "fast" and "eus" production-ready channels.
NOTE: there is also a "candidate" channel that shouldn't be used for production purposes, if you want the script to also contemplate that one, simply modify CHANDEF
variable in this line and include it.
$ git clone
$ ln -s ${PWD}/ocp4upc/ ~/bin/ocp4upc
NOTE: on this manner the upgrade is as simple as git pull
within the local repository.
$ ocp4upc
OCP4 Upgrade Paths Checker (stable fast eus) v3.2
/home/pamoedo/bin/ocp4upc <release/mode> [arch]
Release/Mode (mandatory):
4.x Extract default graphs using same-minor channels
4.x.z Generate upgrade paths using next-minor channels
4.x.z. Generate upgrade paths using same-minor channels
4.x.z-4.y Generate upgrade paths using multi-minor channels
Arch (optional):
amd64 x86_64 (default)
s390x IBM System/390
ppc64le POWER8/9 little endian
$ 4.6.15
[INFO] Checking prerequisites (curl jq dot)... [SUCC]
[INFO] Checking if '4.6.15' (amd64) is a valid release... [SUCC]
[INFO] Detected mode '4.x.z', targeting channels '4.7' for upgrade path generation.
[WARN] Skipping channel 'eus-4.7_amd64', it's empty.
[WARN] Skipping channel 'stable-4.7_amd64', version not found.
[INFO] Result exported as 'fast-4.7_4.6.15_amd64_20210316.svg'
$ 4.1.34-4.7
[INFO] Checking prerequisites (curl jq dot)... [SUCC]
[INFO] Checking if '4.1.34' (amd64) is a valid release... [SUCC]
[INFO] Detected mode '4.x.z-', targeting channels '4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7' for multigraph generation.
[INPT] Select channel from [stable fast eus], press Enter for default value (stable):
[INPT] Select max depth between [1-9], press Enter for default value (2):
[WARN] Targeting '6' diff minor versions with '2' releases per target (12 edges), please be patient.
[INFO] Processing 'stable-4.2' edges...
[INFO] Processing 'stable-4.3' edges...
[INFO] Processing 'stable-4.4' edges...
[INFO] Processing 'stable-4.5' edges...
[INFO] Processing 'stable-4.6' edges...
[INFO] Processing 'stable-4.7' edges...
[WARN] Skipping file 'stable-4.7_4.6.19.gv', version not found.
[INFO] Result exported as 'stable-multigraph_4.1.34-4.7_amd64_20210316.svg'
For more info on how to perform a minor upgrade using oc
cli, please refer to this solution (subscription needed).