This bakes in docker
, fleetctl
, etcdctl
, vim
, rsync
, sudo
and some Panubo tools.
It also makes .strider
ephemeral and links it to /tmp/strider
This allows you to deploy to your fleet cluster from Strider and do other wonderful things.
A full example that links in the Docker socket, Fleet socket and etcd environment:
docker run --rm --name %n -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/run/fleet.sock:/var/run/fleet.sock -v /mnt/data00/%n/data:/data -v /mnt/data00/git/:/tmp/strider/git -v /mnt/data00/fleet_units:/data/units --env-file /mnt/data00/%n/environment
To update the build flag and build without caching issues:
sed -i -e "s@BUILD=[0-9]*@BUILD=$(date +%Y%m%d00)@g" Dockerfile
Deprecated. We no longer use this.