Scripts used in the submission Quantum Circuit Design for the Lee-Brickell based Information Set Decoding
Source code for paper Improving the Efficiency of Quantum Circuits for Information Set Decoding submitted at .
The bibtex can be downloaded here
# For PBP23
python -m measures.prange_launcher prange --out-format txt --expansion ours
# For Ess+21
python -m measures.prange_launcher esser21 --out-format txt
# For classic
python -m measures.leebrickell_launcher lee-brickell-classic --out-format txt -p 0
# For Ess+21
for p in {1..5}; do echo "#### $p ####" && python -m measures.leebrickell_launcher esser21-lb --out-format txt -p $p; done
# For PBP19 (Hybrid L-B)
for p in {1..5}; do echo "#### $p ####" && python -m measures.leebrickell_launcher lee-brickell-4 --out-format txt -p $p; done
# For classic
for p in {1..2}; do echo "#### $p ####" && python -m measures.leebrickell_launcher lee-brickell-classic --out-format txt -p $p; done
The code here was used in the results of the following article
[PeBP23] Perriello, Simone ; Barenghi, Alessandro ; Pelosi, Gerardo: /Improving the Efficiency of Quantum Circuits for Information Set Decoding/. In: . — Citation Key: [Accepted on December 2023] bibtex