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System Configuration: Windows
Parallax Git Administrator edited this page Feb 9, 2023
21 revisions
In early 2023, it became necessary to package and release Parallax IDE differently than before. The Windows Configuration thus is shown below with two different options: nwjs wrapped and original/deprecated. Follow the appropriate section only.
These configuration steps need only be done once per development system. Once done, follow the Build and Package steps.
- Install Git if necessary
- Install Git LFS if necessary
- Clone the Parallax-IDE repository
- From the command line...
- $ git clone https://github.com/parallaxinc/Parallax-IDE.git
- $ cd Parallax-IDE
- $ git checkout {branch}
- Install Parallax Code Signing Hardware plus Drivers
- {This process is complicated and has not been documented by Parallax}
- Install Inno Setup to create a Windows installer (during the build process).
- Install Resource Tuner to edit the internal resources (Icons, names, versions, and descriptions) of the nw.exe wrapper for BlocklyProp Launcher.
- Install IcoFx (if needed) to edit the .ico (Win) and/or .icns (Mac)
After configuration (above), follow the Build and Package steps.
Some of these configuration steps may need to be performed each time you package. Once done, follow the Package Steps.
- Install Git
- Clone the Parallax-IDE repository
- Checkout the repackage branch
- Install NodeJS
- https://nodejs.org/en/ Used v6.10.3 LTS as of this writing.
- Using the Git Bash console, create a folder for packaging
$ mkdir c:/Temp/ParallaxIDEPkg
- Create a subfolder for the app contents
$ cd c:/Temp/ParallaxIDEPkg
$ mkdir app
- Using Windows Explorer, copy the drivers and package subfolders (from the local Parallax IDE repository's repackage branch) into the packaging folder c:/Temp/ParallaxIDEPkg
- Using Windows Explorer, copy the release files from the latest Parallax IDE build into the packaging folder's app subfolder c:/Temp/ParallaxIDEPkg/app
- The Parallax IDE release files consists of:
- _locales (folder)
- assets (folder)
- fonts (folder)
- icons (folder)
- background.js
- bundle.js
- index.html
- manifest.json
- The Parallax IDE release files consists of:
- Initialize packaging root folder for node:
$ cd c:/Temp/ParallaxIDEPkg
$ npm init
- Enter "parallaxide" for name
- Enter proper version for version
- Enter proper description for the project (can be found on the Chrome Web Store page)
- Enter "background.js" for the entry point
- Choose the default answer for most of the rest of the attributes
- Except license - enter "MIT"
- NOTE: pressing ENTER or typing "yes" and pressing ENTER on the Is this okay? (yes) prompt may seem to freeze. Just give it a moment and Ctrl-C to end it.
- This will create a package.json file that is required for node operations.
- Update the app subfolder's manifest.json file to include details the build settings.
- Adjust details (some are variables that don't work in this context)
- Update the name attribute's value to be
"Parallax IDE"
- Include a new attribute, companyName:
"companyName": "Parallax Inc.",
- Update the description attribute's value to be
"Write, compile, and download code to your Parallax Boe-Bot Robot or custom BASIC Stamp microcontroller-based electronic creations."
- Update the name attribute's value to be
- Find the app section (should be near the end), locate it's ending '}', add a comma ',' after it followed by the build and window sections below
- Adjust details (some are variables that don't work in this context)
"build": {
"appId": "com.parallax.parallaxide",
"outputPattern": "${NAME}-${PLATFORM}-${ARCH}",
"win": {
"icon": "icons/icon.ico"
"mac": {
"icon": "icons/icon.icns"
"window": {
"icon": "icons/icon128.png"
- Here's an example of the entire manifest.json file:
{ "name": "Parallax IDE", "companyName": "Parallax Inc.", "description": "Write, compile, and download code to your Parallax Boe-Bot Robot or custom BASIC Stamp microcontroller-based electronic creations.", "version": "0.12.0", "manifest_version": 2, "default_locale": "en", "permissions": [ "serial", "unlimitedStorage", "syncFileSystem", "storage", "usb", { "usbDevices": [ { "vendorId": 1027, "productId": 24577 }, { "vendorId": 1027, "productId": 24597 } ] } ], "icons": { "16": "icons/icon16.png", "48": "icons/icon48.png", "128": "icons/icon128.png" }, "app": { "background": { "scripts": [ "background.js" ] } }, "build": { "appId": "com.parallax.parallaxide", "outputPattern": "${NAME}-${PLATFORM}-${ARCH}", "win": { "icon": "icons/icon.ico" }, "mac": { "icon": "icons/icon.icns" } }, "window": { "icon": "icons/icon128.png" } }
- Install nw.js
$ npm install nwjs --save-dev
- Install nwjs-builder-phoenix
$ npm install nwjs-builder-phoenix --save-dev
- This will create a node_modules folder with many node libraries, including nwjs-builder-phoenix
- It may finish with a few warnings; this is okay.
Install Setup Tool
- Install Innosetup 5.5.9 (non-Unicode)
- http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php
- Check Install Inno Setup Preprocessor option
- Check Create a desktop shortcut option
- If you chose to run Inno Setup, just close the Open dialog for now
After configuration (above), follow the Package steps.