API de Consulta Tabela FIPE fornece preços médios de veículos no mercado nacional. Atualizada mensalmente com dados extraidos da tabela FIPE.
Essa API Fipe utiliza banco de dados próprio, onde todas as requisições acontecem internamente, sem sobrecarregar o Web Service da Fipe, evitando assim bloqueios por múltiplos acessos.
A API está online desde 2015 e totalmente gratuíta. Gostaria que ele continuasse gratuíta? O que acha de me pagar uma cerveja? 🍺
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0.0
- SDK version: 1.0.4
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://github.com/deividfortuna/fipe
- .NET Core >=1.0
- .NET Framework >=4.6
- Mono/Xamarin >=vNext
- Json.NET - 12.0.3 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.8.0 or later
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations - 5.0.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations
Generate the DLL using your preferred tool (e.g. dotnet build
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using Br.Com.Parallelum.Fipe.Api;
using Br.Com.Parallelum.Fipe.Client;
using Br.Com.Parallelum.Fipe.Model;
To use the API client with a HTTP proxy, setup a System.Net.WebProxy
Configuration c = new Configuration();
System.Net.WebProxy webProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://myProxyUrl:80/");
webProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
c.Proxy = webProxy;
Each ApiClass (properly the ApiClient inside it) will create an instance of HttpClient. It will use that for the entire lifecycle and dispose it when called the Dispose method.
To better manager the connections it's a common practice to reuse the HttpClient and HttpClientHandler (see here for details). To use your own HttpClient instance just pass it to the ApiClass constructor.
HttpClientHandler yourHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
HttpClient yourHttpClient = new HttpClient(yourHandler);
var api = new YourApiClass(yourHttpClient, yourHandler);
If you want to use an HttpClient and don't have access to the handler, for example in a DI context in Asp.net Core when using IHttpClientFactory.
HttpClient yourHttpClient = new HttpClient();
var api = new YourApiClass(yourHttpClient);
You'll loose some configuration settings, the features affected are: Setting and Retrieving Cookies, Client Certificates, Proxy settings. You need to either manually handle those in your setup of the HttpClient or they won't be available.
Here an example of DI setup in a sample web project:
services.AddHttpClient<YourApiClass>(httpClient =>
new PetApi(httpClient));
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net.Http;
using Br.Com.Parallelum.Fipe.Api;
using Br.Com.Parallelum.Fipe.Client;
using Br.Com.Parallelum.Fipe.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public static void Main()
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.BasePath = "https://parallelum.com.br/fipe/api/v2";
// create instances of HttpClient, HttpClientHandler to be reused later with different Api classes
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler();
var apiInstance = new FipeApi(httpClient, config, httpClientHandler);
var vehicleType = (VehiclesType) "cars"; // VehiclesType | Type of vehicle
// Brands by type
List<NamedCode> result = apiInstance.GetBrandsByType(vehicleType);
catch (ApiException e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling FipeApi.GetBrandsByType: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
All URIs are relative to https://parallelum.com.br/fipe/api/v2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
FipeApi | GetBrandsByType | GET /{vehicleType}/brands | Brands by type |
FipeApi | GetFipeInfo | GET /{vehicleType}/brands/{brandId}/models/{modelId}/years/{yearId} | Fipe info |
FipeApi | GetHistoryByFipeCode | GET /{vehicleType}/{fipeCode}/years/{yearId}/history | Fipe price history by Fipe code |
FipeApi | GetInfoByFipeCode | GET /{vehicleType}/{fipeCode}/years/{yearId} | Fipe info by Fipe code |
FipeApi | GetModelsByBrand | GET /{vehicleType}/brands/{brandId}/models | Models by brand |
FipeApi | GetReferences | GET /references | Fipe month references |
FipeApi | GetYearByModel | GET /{vehicleType}/brands/{brandId}/models/{modelId}/years | Years by model |
FipeApi | GetYearsByFipeCode | GET /{vehicleType}/{fipeCode}/years | Years by Fipe code |