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@pardnchiu pardnchiu released this 21 Sep 10:27


This release introduces several new features and improvements across various modules, including Array, FormData, Map, Element, URL, and Date. To ensure a smooth transition for future releases, some functions are marked for deprecation. Additionally, bugs related to URL query handling and date formatting have been fixed.


New Features

  • Function copy() replaces $copy();

Will Deprecate (2.*.*)

  • Function $copy();


New Features

  • Function $gone returns a relative time description in Chinese or English based on the language setting;


New Features

  • Function _(value: any | any[], index?: number) enhanced:
    • Adds an optional index parameter to specify the insertion position;
    • Supports inserting an element or array at a specific index;
    • If index is not provided, the default behavior of adding elements to the end of the array remains;

Resolved Issues

  • Function $_(index: number) now correctly removes the element at the specified index and returns the updated array;


New Features

  • Function forEach(value?: (key: string, val: any) => void) replaces $forEach(value?: (key: string, val: any) => void);

Will Deprecate (2.*.*)

  • Function $forEach(value?: (key: string, val: any) => void);


New Features

  • Function $json replaces $obj;
  • Function $_(key?: any) removes the element with the specified key and returns the updated Map;
  • Function $$(value: any) checks if the Map contains the specified value;

Will Deprecate (2.*.*)

  • Function $obj;


New Features

  • Function $map returns a Map<string, any>;
  • Function $json returns an object { [key: string]: any };


New Features

  • Function $S returns centiseconds;
  • Function $SS returns deciseconds;
  • Function $SSS returns milliseconds;
  • Function $dddd returns the full name of the day (e.g., 'Sunday');
  • Function $ddd returns the abbreviated day name (e.g., 'Sun');
  • Function $format now supports the formats 'S', 'SS', 'SSS', 'ddd', 'dddd';

Resolved Issues

  • Function $dd now correctly returns a two-letter abbreviation (e.g., 'Su');
  • Function $y now returns a format consistent with $yy;


Resolved Issues

  • Function $queryAll now correctly processes query parameters;


New Features

  • Function _padding(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string) replaces _p(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);

  • Function _paddingTop(value?: number | string) replaces _pt(value?: number | string);

  • Function _paddingLeft(value?: number | string) replaces _pl(value?: number | string);

  • Function _paddingBottom(value?: number | string) replaces _pb(value?: number | string);

  • Function _paddingRight(value?: number | string) replaces _pr(value?: number | string);

  • Function _margin(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string) replaces _m(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);

  • Function _marginTop(value?: number | string) replaces _mt(value?: number | string);

  • Function _marginLeft(value?: number | string) replaces _ml(value?: number | string);

  • Function _marginBottom(value?: number | string) replaces _mb(value?: number | string);

  • Function _marginRight(value?: number | string) replaces _mr(value?: number | string);

  • Function $formData

    • Returns FormData for <form> elements;
    • Returns undefined for non-<form> elements;
  • Function $map

    • Processes $formData results;
    • Returns a Map<string, any> or undefined;
  • Function $json

    • Processes $formData results;
    • Returns an object { [key: string]: any } or undefined;

Will Deprecate (2.*.*)

  • Function _p(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);
  • Function _pt(value?: number | string);
  • Function _pl(value?: number | string);
  • Function _pb(value?: number | string);
  • Function _pr(value?: number | string);
  • Function _m(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);
  • Function _mt(value?: number | string);
  • Function _ml(value?: number | string);
  • Function _mb(value?: number | string);
  • Function _mr(value?: number | string);


此版本引入了多個模組的新功能和改進,包括 Array、FormData、Map、Element、URL 和 Date。為了確保未來版本的順利過渡,一些函數被標記為即將棄用。此外,還修復了 URL 查詢處理和日期格式化方面的錯誤。



  • 函數 copy() 取代 $copy();

即將棄用 (2.*.*)

  • 函數 $copy();



  • 函數 $gone 根據語言設定,返回相對時間的中文或英文描述;



  • 函數 _(value: any | any[], index?: number) 增強功能:
    • 新增可選參數 index,用於指定插入位置;
    • 支援在指定索引處插入元素或數組;
    • 當不提供 index 時,保持在數組末尾添加元素的行為;


  • 函數 $_(index: number) 現在可以正確移除指定索引的元素並返回更新後的數組;



  • 函數 forEach(value?: (key: string, val: any) => void) 取代 $forEach(value?: (key: string, val: any) => void);

即將棄用 (2.*.*)

  • 函數 $forEach(value?: (key: string, val: any) => void);



  • 函數 $json 取代 $obj;
  • 函數 $_(key?: any) 刪除指定鍵並返回更新的 Map;
  • 函數 $$(value: any) 檢查 Map 是否包含指定值;

即將棄用 (2.*.*)

  • 函數 $obj;



  • 函數 $map 返回 Map<string, any>;
  • 函數 $json 返回物件 { [key: string]: any };



  • 函數 $S 返回百毫秒;
  • 函數 $SS 返回十毫秒;
  • 函數 $SSS 返回毫秒;
  • 函數 $dddd 返回完整星期名稱 (如 'Sunday');
  • 函數 $ddd 返回星期縮寫 (如 'Sun');
  • 函數 $format 現支援 'S'、'SS'、'SSS'、'ddd'、'dddd' 格式;


  • 函數 $dd 現正確返回兩字母縮寫 (如 'Su');
  • 函數 $y 現返回與 $yy 一致的格式;



  • 函數 $queryAll 現正確處理查詢參數;



  • 函數 _padding(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string) 取代 _p(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);

  • 函數 _paddingTop(value?: number | string) 取代 _pt(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 _paddingLeft(value?: number | string) 取代 _pl(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 _paddingBottom(value?: number | string) 取代 _pb(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 _paddingRight(value?: number | string) 取代 _pr(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 _margin(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string) 取代 _m(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);

  • 函數 _marginTop(value?: number | string) 取代 _mt(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 _marginLeft(value?: number | string) 取代 _ml(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 _marginBottom(value?: number | string) 取代 _mb(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 _marginRight(value?: number | string) 取代 _mr(value?: number | string);

  • 函數 $formData

    • <form> 元素返回 FormData;
    • <form> 元素返回 undefined;
  • 函數 $map

    • 處理 $formData 結果;
    • 返回 Map<string, any>undefined;
  • 函數 $json

    • 處理 $formData 結果;
    • 返回物件 { [key: string]: any }undefined;

即將棄用 (2.*.*)

  • 函數 _p(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);
  • 函數 _pt(value?: number | string);
  • 函數 _pl(value?: number | string);
  • 函數 _pb(value?: number | string);
  • 函數 _pr(value?: number | string);
  • 函數 _m(top?: number | string, right?: number | string, bottom?: number | string, left?: number | string);
  • 函數 _mt(value?: number | string);
  • 函數 _ml(value?: number | string);
  • 函數 _mb(value?: number | string);
  • 函數 _mr(value?: number | string);