To compile and run the program, use following commands:
gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -g -o smallsh smallsh.c
This program does:
- Provide a prompt for running commands
- Handle blank lines and comments, which are lines beginning with the # character
- Provide expansion for the variable $$
- Execute 3 commands exit, cd, and status via code built into the shell
- Execute other commands by creating new processes using a function from the exec family of functions
- Support input and output redirection
- Support running commands in foreground and background processes
- Implement custom handlers for 2 signals, SIGINT and SIGTSTP
Test run:
$ smallsh
: ls
junk smallsh smallsh.c
: ls > junk
: status
exit value 0
: cat junk
: wc < junk > junk2
: wc < junk
3 3 23
: test -f badfile
: status
exit value 1
: wc < badfile
cannot open badfile for input
: status
exit value 1
: badfile
badfile: no such file or directory
: sleep 5
^Cterminated by signal 2
: status &
terminated by signal 2
: sleep 15 &
background pid is 4923
: ps
4923 pts/0 00:00:00 sleep
4564 pts/0 00:00:03 bash
4867 pts/0 00:01:32 smallsh
4927 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
: # that was a blank command line, this is a comment line
background pid 4923 is done: exit value 0
: # the background sleep finally finished
: sleep 30 &
background pid is 4941
: kill -15 4941
background pid 4941 is done: terminated by signal 15
: pwd
: cd
: pwd
: cd CS344
: pwd
: echo 4867
: echo $$
: ^C^Z
Entering foreground-only mode (& is now ignored)
: date
Mon Jan 2 11:24:33 PST 2017
: sleep 5 &
: date
Mon Jan 2 11:24:38 PST 2017
: ^Z
Exiting foreground-only mode
: date
Mon Jan 2 11:24:39 PST 2017
: sleep 5 &
background pid is 4963
: date
Mon Jan 2 11:24:39 PST 2017
: exit