An single-page app skeleton in React, main structures comes from Create-React-App.
- Tweak the webpack config(s) with using "react-app-rewired".
- Backward compatibility for browsers with using "core-js".
- Easier to achieve different page routes management.
- Convenient to achieve different pages by writing different react container components.
- Convenient to implement page interfaces with using "antd".
- Convenient to implement data requests between the front and back ends with using "axios".
- Clone this project to local, then use the
command to install the project in local directory. Then you can run some built-in commands such as:
yarn start
-> Runs the app in development mode (on port 3000).yarn build
-> Builds the app for production to the build folder.yarn test
-> Runs the test watcher in an interactive mode.
- You can see the Create-React-App project for more information.