Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree program Project 1. Data Modeling with Postgres
- Create Tables
python create_table.py
- Run ETL script
python etl.py
create and drop tables
contains all sql queries (CREATE, DROP, INSERT, SELECT)
- process_song_file(cur, filepath)
- open song file(dataframe) and insert song, artist data into song_table and artist_table
- the inserted data is list of dataframe's specific columns at index 0.
- for example. select 'song_id','title','artist_id','year','duration' columns in dataframe as df and get values into list.
- process_log_file(cur, filepath)
- open log file(dataframe) and filter by page==NextSong.
- convert timestamp columnn to datetime
- use
library.- divide 1000 and convert each rows of timestamp_data('ts') in dataframe(df) to datetime using
library.t = df.assign(ts=[datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts/1000) for ts in list(df['ts'])])
- extract timestamp, hour, day, week of year, month, year, and weekday data from timespamp converted dataframe and insert time data records into time_table.
- select user information from dataframe and insert into user_table.
- get songid and artistid from song and artist table using
- get song, artist and length(duration) rows from dataframe iteration.
- find songs from JOIN table using song, artist, length data *
3.create songplay_data which insert into songplay_table.SELECT s.song_id, a.artist_id FROM songs as s JOIN artists as a ON s.artist_id = a.artist_id WHERE s.title = %s AND a.name = %s AND s.duration = %s;
- get index from iteration enumerated number
- get timestamp, userid, level, sessionid, location, useragent from dataframe's column
- and use songid, artistid we've got above.
songplay_data = (index, row.ts, row.userId, row.level, songid, artistid, row.sessionId, row.location, row.userAgent)
cur.execute(songplay_table_insert, songplay_data)
- process_data(cur, conn, filepath, func)
- get all files matching extension from directory
- get total number of files found
- iterate over files and process